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DS-1 as a boost?

Jody Butt

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Ive heard some do that. contrary to popular believe neither vai or satch do this. Vai does kind of to a certain degree but not real boost, more like stacking gain for leads. In both cases the volume is at unity or near.
I think there are other optiones for boost as the pedal will color your tone even if dist is all the way down.
Im sure you'll get a good answer from here. I dont use a booster as of now in my rig.
On a somewhat unrelated note. Have you tried a compressor? Ive found some people need compressors in many cases when they ask for booster advice... just saying

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I used a DS-1 for a while to boost my lead tones, worked pretty snappy for that if distortion was set to 0, tone at about 10 or 11 o'clock, level to where needed. Leads sounded pretty darn good. Using to boost cleans was a bit dicey, though, it's not really designed for that. Hey, it's a 40 dollar pedal, what can anyone expect? It certainly works fine for the price.
Remember, whatever works best for you is what works. If you can get a Peavey Bandit with a Behringer overdrive pedal to sing, who really cares what brand it is as long as you get the tone you're looking for? If I could afford to be playing through a Soldano with a $500 O/D, I sure would, but my '65 Bandmaster sounds super duper great with any dirt pedal in front of it, so it works for me. Cripes, I have kids, if I can get away with buying a pedal used from the pawn shop
a few times a year without being in the doghouse, I'm happy. More power to ya, man. You'll find what you need.


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