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Things you've sold to buy gear?

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Although Twins are awesome amps, they weigh a ton and are way too loud for most gigs. Although I loved my SF Twin- great sound, awesome reverb and tremolo- after loading it into my wife's Micra and carrying it down steep, wet stone steps into a basement bar for a gig where I wouldn't be able to turn it up past 3.5, it had to go.

There are plenty of smaller amps that sound similar, but are less of a problem in terms of weight and excessive volume. Nothing is quite like a Twin, but that's not an entirely bad thing.

And to answer your question, I've only ever sold gear to buy gear.

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Although Twins are awesome amps, they weigh a ton and are way too loud for most gigs. Although I loved my SF Twin- great sound, awesome reverb and tremolo- after loading it into my wife's Micra and carrying it down steep, wet stone steps into a basement bar for a gig where I wouldn't be able to turn it up past 3.5, it had to go.

There are plenty of smaller amps that sound similar, but are less of a problem in terms of weight and excessive volume. Nothing is quite like a Twin, but that's not an entirely bad thing.

And to answer your question, I've only ever sold gear to buy gear.



Yeah, I suppose it's just wishful thinking anyway. I'll probably never own one.


Maybe I could sell one of my kidney's or something?

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Yeah, I suppose it's just wishful thinking anyway. I'll probably never own one.

Maybe I could sell one of my kidney's or something?

Unless the gear you want involves stuff like PRS Dragons or factory-fresh condition '59 Les Pauls, most stuff is concievably within your reach with a few months' saving. It might be a long wait if you want a grand for a new reissue Twin for instance, but it's do-able. I really wish I'd got myself in the habit of saving money before I did- I could have made better use of the cash I had, and I'd have some really, really nice gear by now.

...and when GAS comes around again, you can free up more money from the good gear than you can from the pocket money crap :thu:

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I don't know what it is, but I've never been able to let go of old gear, even if I know it's {censored}e and I'll never use it again. I'm a hoarder like that...


Take the "der" off.














































































































































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im currently raising some funds for a new guitar.

i think i should sell my ce-1 (which i got for free) and some other pedals which i dont use. what do you guys reckon? will i miss it? it's one of those pedals which i dont use at all. chorus pedals are ghey :blah:
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