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help me pick out something for my birthday

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my lady wants to get me something for my birthday, some effect, she wants to go halves on something that's really awesome. our limit is 700 bucks, 350 a piece. of course this would be used cuz you get more bang for your buck. so what would you recommend. i was thinking a tim or timmy or zen. but what else would be just awesome. like if you had 700 to spend on something cool effect wise. what would it be?

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well i havent updated my sig in a while i also have these.

boss dd6
holy grail
fulltone choralflange
i had some credit with musicians friend so i ordered myslef a tc electronics vintiage delay
and i have a zendrive that should be ariving soon.

when the tc electronic delay gets here im going to sell one of the others probably the dd6

i was thinking a nice analog delay like you suggested but the only thing i could think of at the time was the moog , dmm , and aqua puss, but the aqua would probably be out of the range and id be almsot afraid to step on it ya know.

i also thought about getting maybe one of those fender reverb units since my amp dosent have reverb but the holy grail is woking fine for now and unless it would sound like 10 times better i may just stick with that. i dont get any noise out of mine i duno why ppl say they make noise. other than when i start stacking od's the loudest noise on my amp is the fan blowing that cools the tubes down.

another thing i was thinking would be a zim or a CC2.

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isnt the space echo and tube tape echo something you just sort of set and forget type of thing or is it something that you could easily change during songs. from the looks of them it looks like the last. from the sounds of them tho on the tape echo when you do use them it sounds awesome.

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I've never had enough discretionary income to get close to either of those (Zen or KOT) so I couldn't tell ya first hand.

You've got a fair amount of low/midgain stuff covered with the boost and OD you have together with the Dr. Z. You can chase around OD's forever an only get subtle variations unless your not happy with what you got...

Some fuzz would be good maybe something with octive going on. It's fun spending other people's money. :)

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