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Valvetech Hayseed 30 review + Q&A thread


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As some of you may know, I recieved my long awaited Hayseed 30 on Friday, and as there have been lots of questions already, I thought I'd start a mother-thread for all things Valvetech Hayseed.

If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them as best I can, and if anyone else has a hayseed (Olle) and wants to chime in, then go for it.

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particularly interested in hearing how the MV works - how it sounds in 15watt mode at low volumes.

congrats man, its a sweet amp for sure.



The master volume works brilliantly! Really really well in fact. With the half power switch, you can get really good low(er) volume sounds.


Having said that, the first thing I did on Saturday was take it to my Church where I could play at any volume, and set it up as per Brian May (normal channel, volume maxed, 30w setting, no cut + treble booster) and played Tie your mother down for about 10 minutes just laughing my head off! The nicest, fattest, most glorious rock tone ever. And then you roll back on the volume knob on the guitar, and you get a beautiful clean sound, that doesn't loose too much volume!!


I haven't played an AC30 properly before so please don't ask for comparisons between the two, I'll leave that for Olle.

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Nice amp man... I'd love to order one from rob one day, did you get marshall or vox style tolex?

And mindglow... niiiiceeee



I got it in Garnet Tolex (red with black overlay) from Ampwares.com as I thought the marshall red would be too bright and in your face. Pics will follow once I get hold of a decent camera.

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couple of questions vince as i'm in the UK and thinking of getting one of these in the next couple of years


what speakers did you opt for?


did you get it direct from valvetech?


how much did it cost to deliver to you?


did you get done with customs charges?


and, if you don't mind me asking, how much did the whole thing cost you, (amp+shipping+duty)?



sorry, that made me sound really demanding! just been wondering how it might work out for me when i look into it

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couple of questions vince as i'm in the UK and thinking of getting one of these in the next couple of years

what speakers did you opt for?

did you get it direct from valvetech?

how much did it cost to deliver to you?

did you get done with customs charges?

and, if you don't mind me asking, how much did the whole thing cost you, (amp+shipping+duty)?

sorry, that made me sound really demanding! just been wondering how it might work out for me when i look into it



Weber blue dogs




Total cost for delivery and custom charges was

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A nice nos 5751 should improve the trem channel. I have a guy in the US who provides me with well priced lab pulls for my Vox, drop me a pm if you want his email.



Cheers for the heads up - I've got a stock of NOS valves, including a quad of el84's and plenty of ECC83's and a couple of EF86's (all mullard).

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(Sorry in advance for the long post)


I Just came back from band practice so here are a few more thoughts on the amp.


I had tried running it over the weekend with an ABY selector changing between channels because the Top Boost channel gets really harsh with my Keeley BD-2 but the normal channel loves it. Unfortunately although I liked the versatility of this setup, it was hard to get a nice balance on the channels volume wise and it was quite complicated (it's been a while since I've taken tap dance lessons), as well as a volume drop when both channels were engaged.


So tonight I simplified things a bit and jumpered the channels (guitar to high 1, link from low 1 into high 2). I had the M/V on just under 1/2, 30w mode. Vol 1 was set to 10 (o'clock) vol 2 was set to 8, treble at 8:45, bass at 12:30. cut floating around 12 depending on the song. As it was my soul band I was aiming for more of a clean tone, though I could possibley have upped the MV and lowered the channel volumes, but there were a few bluesier numbers. For gigs I will probably do this.


I was getting a nice clean sound that thickened up nicely with my comp, or if I hit it harder it broke up a little bit. I ended up using the BD-2 as a gritty boost - volume on 12, tone down to 10 and gain at 10. Gave a bit of a volume boost, but didn't get too harsh. I was cascading my Marshall Bluesbreaker II (in boost mode, volume at 12) into it for a smoother lead sound though I may need to work on this (suggestions?).


Overall though, I'm really really pleased with the amp, obviously I'm still in the honeymoon period, but boy is it a good one.


It has really brought my tele alive - with my Matamp C7 (quite dark) I was lacking the tonal variation I was expecting using the pickup selector. On the Hayseed however, they all sound different, useable, and musical with the series position giving a noticeable volume boost which was great for lead work.


The trem sounded good too and once you're playing in a band situation, you can't hear the clicking at all (only noticeable when everyone stops playing) but I've yet to try new tubes.


Finally, one sound I did love from the weekend was with the BD-2 going into the normal channel, and the guitar straight into the top boost. Fantastic fat and complex rhythm sound, that cleaned up amazingly well!

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have you tried a fuzz with it yet?


I'd be really interested in hearing how that goes.


also, thanks for the review and for addressing our questions.


I've been hanging for one for a while, my only reservation is that it may be too loud for my purposes (home studio mostly)

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have you tried a fuzz with it yet?

I'd be really interested in hearing how that goes.

also, thanks for the review and for addressing our questions.

I've been hanging for one for a while, my only reservation is that it may be too loud for my purposes (home studio mostly)



I tried it with a Vexter Fuzz Factory and it didn't like the Top Boost channel at all. It got way too harsh and buzzy. Into the Normal channel it sounded ok as a fuzz, but on my old amp (much smaller) the fuzz hadn't been going into such a clean amp (sounded more Hendrixy if you know what I mean). I've never really been too keen on the sound of a fuzz into a perfectly clean amp, and this was getting close to that.


With this amp, because it's quite a raw sound anyway, I don't think I need a fuzz on top of this, just a good boost and a smoother overdrive


With regards to the volume issue, the amp does have a very good master volume and half power switch. Rob also makes a Hayseed 15 if you want - Papa Taco has one.

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Yeah, I jumper my inputs. It seems to work best for me. I agree that the top boost channel on its own isn't the most fuzz or overdrive friendly (with a couple exceptions) but jumpering the ef86 and top boost allows a great combination of grit, fullness, pedal friendliness and chime. Probably the only amp I've ever had where I'll smile away at the awesome tone I've got going and wonder which of my pedals is on...look down and go, oh they're all bypassed. Sweet natural breakup and beautiful cleans all at the roll of the guitar volume. Mine's the 15 watter with a Weber alnico blue dog 30 watt speaker.



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Although the master volume works well, I still find my best tones with it cranked and using a THD Hotplate to reign in the volume. The hotplate sounds great at -8 db or less attenuation, and -12 db is not too shabby either. -16 or more sucks though. I might get an Ultimate Attenuator for even better low volume tones.



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what channels do you jumper and where do u stick yr guitarcable in ?



I set the normal channel to ef86 brilliant mode. I plug the guitar cable into channel 1 (normal channel) top input. Then I have a small cable between channel 1 bottom input and channel 2 (top boost channel) top input.


I've got some pretty cool results setting the normal channel on 12ax7 mode and ef86-normal as well. But I prefer ef86 brilliant.


For more clean headroom I'd recommend blending normal-12ax7 and the top boost.

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I remember the thread way back when you were starting your amp hunt -- glad it's worked out so well.


Ha! that seems like ages ago... oh wait, it was!

Now that I've got the amp, I can't believe I even considered getting a DRRI or an AC30CC. This amp is just so much nicer than those two. I took the back off it and the wiring looks tidy too. Complicated, but tidy.

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Although the master volume works well, I still find my best tones with it cranked and using a THD Hotplate to reign in the volume. The hotplate sounds great at -8 db or less attenuation, and -12 db is not too shabby either. -16 or more sucks though. I might get an Ultimate Attenuator for even better low volume tones.




15 watts seems to be more than enough for just about any application for this type of amp. AC30 amps have always been deceptively loud (based on watts). I'm wondering if they're ever really needed in this age of efficient PA's...it's been a long time since the Beatles had to carry the room just with their amps.

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Well, after a bit of tweaking, I think I've found the sweet spot on the amp, getting the right balance between clean and dirt.


Going into the top input of the normal channel (not EF86), volume at about 8 o'clock, then linking the bottom input into the top boost channel (volume at 7.30, treble at 10 bass at 2) with the cut at around 8 o'clock.


It gives me a nice big clean sound, which I can fatten up with my compressor (set for mild boost) or overdrive without getting fizzy(!) using my Keeley BD-2.

For an OTT lead sound I was getting great tones by cascading a Marshall BB-2 (set to drive mode) into the BD-2.


All these sounds really cut through but fitted really nicely with the church band in the mix. Everytime I play the amp I love it more and more:thu:

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I have the same tele as you. :D





How much clean headroom does the amp have? Is it loud enough to play over a loud drummer and remain clean? Does it take delay pedals well into the front end (and stay clean & un-muddy)?



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I have the same tele as you.


How much clean headroom does the amp have? Is it loud enough to play over a loud drummer and remain clean? Does it take delay pedals well into the front end (and stay clean & un-muddy)?



Ha ha, no you don't!! Unless you broke into my house after I left for work this morning. Simply because I made it myself last year. One of a kind. Unique. Special (at least that's what my mum calls me!). etc etc.

It's got a 1/4" maple cap over a semi hollow ash body. Bareknuckle pickups with 4-way switch, nitro finish.


As for the amp, it's got shed loads of clean headroom, it is after all, an AC30 clone. the cleans get slightly dirty quite soon, but the punch from the amp is great so it sounds cleaner than it is. Yes it will go over a loud drummer and remain clean, and yes it will take delay pedals well (just ask the edge!)

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