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Don't you guys lose money buying and selling all the time?

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Almost everything I have purchased was used. I find stuff in great condition from sellers that have an established history of selling. Then I get them to come down in price and I grab it! Whenever I sell, I don't really lose anything. I have made big profits from time to time.... a few times, a huge profit. :)

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I've lost plenty of money, but I've also gained some here and there. Just depends on what I've sold. I like to price things low enough that someone will jump on it instantly. I hate waiting around, wondering when someone might buy the item, or start haggling with me over a couple of $. Usually I under-price the going used rate for the condition it's in. However, since I've been dealing in modulars lately, I find that as long as they are kept in good condition, you can get a pretty good return. I still price low, but not as much with other synths. When I've sold modules I've built from kits, I sell the assembled module at the kit price. I've also sold quite a few specialty modules though, where I charge about what I paid, because it's better than having to wait a month or three for one to be made and shipped, than to buy mine if they're as impatient as me. :)


I like people to be happy with what I sell them, and cost is part of that. The way I look at it, is that say if I have a synth for a year, and decide to get something else, the loss in money was a rental fee. :D

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Don't mean to hijack, but.... The Pro -- where in Hilton Head do you play? I'll be down there this summer (have to check on the dates) for the 2nd time with the family. To me, Kenny B's alone is worth the drive from Cleveland!


Thank you for asking. Please feel free to check out my online schedule for information. Look forward to seeing you!

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so far i've lost money (round 20%) on selling one of my previous emulators, the E4X. on first one (e64) i actually made money. if i were to sell one i have now , the E4XTU, that would be a major loss. also, i lost money selling JX-10 that i almost bought new (payed 2K+, sold for $900). and that's about it.


everything else, and i havent really sold that much stuff over the yrs, i either break even (like with Triton Pro and Studio), or make a profit. i made some money on MKS80/MPG80, spare MKS70 i had, and on K5000W. doubled on Deep Bass Nine due to its rarity.


it does help the issue that most vintages i bought i got for way below going or ebay price (patience is a virtue), or i bought one with slight problems and fix em, and finally, some i've chosen belong to hall-of-famers w price raising all the time. however this is only in theory as i never buy to sell, well .. unless some major mishap would come my way .. (knock on wood)

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I usually lose money, because when it want something, I want it NOW, and when I want to sell something, I want to sell it NOW.


Patience is rewarded, but on the other hand, time is money. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. In the end I just say the hell with it and go drink some Bailey's.

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