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EQ before or after dirt?

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I'm rearranging my board right now and I was wondering where you guys normally put your EQ.


Live, I use it exclusively for cutting volume and low end (for twangy, albeit predictable intro type stuff:blah: ).





Oh, and p.s. I just got a Blues Driver. It's great!

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I have my EQ after my dirt, but you can put it in front, when in front it really changes your dirt pedals tone, planning on getting a 6 band to throw in the front of my dirt just for the extra tone capabilities.

But for general purposes, I would say to put the EQ in your EFX loop, or at least at the end of your chain.

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I run mine in the fx loop to fine tune/shape the gain right now.

Out front, you can kind of do that by putting it after an OD pedal...but I normally have it first in line to push the OD with just the right freq's.

I'm usually boosting the mids, high-mids and just a slight boost to the lo freq.

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