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danelectro fab tone has WAAAY too much distortion...can i adjust it?

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hey i just picked up a danelectro fab tone distortion. it's ok, not great, but when the gain knob is ALL the way down it's still much, much more distorted than i'd ever like it to be. as you turn it up, it just feeds back more, doesn't really change the tone. is there some sort of internal adjustment that could be out of whack or does this pedal just run that way?

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Yeah, I don't know what they were thinking when they did this pedal... :freak: I mean, Dano makes some great sounding pedals, but this one is probably the worst one. A name like "Fab Tone" suggests good things, whereas this is not a good thing IMHO... I bet there is a way to tame it, though...google it!

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The Fab Tone has a {censored}-ton of gain, but that's what I like about it. It's meant to be a heavy sound. Don't know why it gets a bad rep other than people expecting it to do something other than what it does. Sounds much better than the Metal Zone and the like IMO when you run it thru a tube amp. I keep the gain set at about 9:00. It pretty much starts out with a ton, the Fab knob just increases the saturation/sustain.


It gets great Mogwai/Mono/Explosions in the Sky/HUM type heavy tones, or Pumpkiny tones a'la MCIS...for me anyways


I prefer it with humbuckers btw, it's a bit raspy with single coils.

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I think it was meant to be a high gain pedal...like the the Digitech Grunge...



I recall that it is almost the same circuit as the Grunge. Some different component values.


I had one. Great fun in front of certain amps, terrible in front of others. It's very much an "on" or "off" pedal. The controls are fairly redundant.


My main issue was that even though it was loud and very very very aggressive, it sits your guitar back in the mix when engaged. Not at all cutting. That's why I sold it in the end. Impractical for live use.


There are some mods floating around for it to make it more versatile tho as I recall......

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Here's a semi-legible schematic. At the top right of the schematic you'll see the distortion subcircuit. Looks like changing the 470 ohm resistor at the inverting input of the distortion op-amp to something much higher would tame the distortion, considerably.



I tried what this guy said above, (replacing the resistor at C14) but it really didn't have the level of impact I was looking for. Instead I substituted the resister with a 500K pot. I drilled a hole in the box and I now have a real gain control for my Fab Tone. I don't want to get too excited, but I think this pedal might actually be usable now. With the new knob cranked out, it actually has even more gain than it did before (uncomfortable amounts), but with it dialed back, there is actually a pretty decently level of drive. I am by no means an electrician (this is only my second mod) so this may end up causing my pedal to spontaneously combust, but it seems to be working pretty well so far. I took some before and after footage which I'll post on youtube and add a link later if people are interested.

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I tried what this guy said above, (replacing the resistor at C14) but it really didn't have the level of impact I was looking for. Instead I substituted the resister with a 500K pot. I drilled a hole in the box and I now have a real gain control for my Fab Tone. I don't want to get too excited, but I think this pedal might actually be usable now. With the new knob cranked out, it actually has even more gain than it did before (uncomfortable amounts), but with it dialed back, there is actually a pretty decently level of drive. I am by no means an electrician (this is only my second mod) so this may end up causing my pedal to spontaneously combust, but it seems to be working pretty well so far. I took some before and after footage which I'll post on youtube and add a link later if people are interested.


absolutely interested! sounds very cool :)

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hey i just picked up a danelectro fab tone distortion. it's ok, not great, but when the gain knob is ALL the way down it's still much, much more distorted than i'd ever like it to be. as you turn it up, it just feeds back more, doesn't really change the tone. is there some sort of internal adjustment that could be out of whack or does this pedal just run that way?



The best adjustment that anyone can make to a Danelectro pedal is to rear back and fling it directly into the concrete:blah:

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I tried what this guy said above, (replacing the resistor at C14) but it really didn't have the level of impact I was looking for. Instead I substituted the resister with a 500K pot. I drilled a hole in the box and I now have a real gain control for my Fab Tone. I don't want to get too excited, but I think this pedal might actually be usable now. With the new knob cranked out, it actually has even more gain than it did before (uncomfortable amounts), but with it dialed back, there is actually a pretty decently level of drive. I am by no means an electrician (this is only my second mod) so this may end up causing my pedal to spontaneously combust, but it seems to be working pretty well so far. I took some before and after footage which I'll post on youtube and add a link later if people are interested.



D4 and D5 are the clipping diodes.


Replacing them with leds will lower the gain.


Removing them completely might also achieve the desired result.


Socket them for experimenting without lifting traces.

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I've never played the fab tone, but if it's similar to the Digitech Grunge, then it's yucky IMO. Then again, the Grunge was the first pedal I've EVER bought, and that was about 8 years ago. I'd probably love it if I still had it now.


/Wait, I had a DOD Grunge, is that pretty much the same thing? I'll stick with what I said.

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