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DD20 Gigadelay - Is there a case against it?


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I've been eyeing one of these for a long time. Tried it out at Retard Center a few times and it seems pretty impressive. So many people on here swear by it, but I was wondering whether theres a reason to not get it. Maybe you DMM, DL-4 people have a reason... (not interested in 'Hazarai' right now :eek:)


Also, with the SOS and 23 seconds of delay time, does anyone use it as a song writing/practice tool? This is part of the reason I'd take the plunge on one, besides the convenience of presets, and everything else.


Besides replacing my current delay pedals, I'm trying to decide if the DD20 is a better investment than a Loop Station (for practice purposes).

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The recording feature is nice, and is useful to practice with. The presets are great. When I was getting mine it was either it or the DL-4 and I'm glad I opted with the DD-20. I also now have a DMM, but that's just because I'm a delay freak.

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I was thinking about getting a dd-20 for looping, but now I've decided to look for a rc-20xl or rc-2, mainly because


a) dd-20 only does 1 loop at a time

b) dd-20 doesn't "correct" for your loop timing


But as a delay, it seems really cool and I'll probably get one later when I can afford it. And if you need one pedal to be both delay and looper, it is a much better choice than the DL-4 which only has 14 secs of loop (not nearly enough, I've found)

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I was thinking about getting a dd-20 for looping, but now I've decided to look for a rc-20xl or rc-2, mainly because

a) dd-20 only does 1 loop at a time

b) dd-20 doesn't "correct" for your loop timing

c) rc-20xl causes MASSIVE TONE LOSS! :eek:

Go for the DD20, great analog and tape echo sims along with reverse delay and a bonus looper!

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Yeah i've heard that, is the RC-2 any better? I really want a looper that has timing correction + multiple layers. I like the functionality of the DL-4 but it has crap looping time and I hear they break a lot. I also can't afford a really nice one like a RC-50 or whatever.

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So far so good!

Didn't know that
caused massive tone loss!! Anyone else experience that?

I get the impression that, pound for pound, the
can't be beat.

yeh my original rc-20 did ayways. not the XL. my rc-2 seems totally fine tho :thu:

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If you want a looper, buy a looper.
If you want the baddest-ass digital delay available, get the DD-20.
The looper doesn't save loops when turned or when you switch modes, but it can do infinite overdubs.
I believe the RC-20/XL has a preamp built in, but it should be last in your chain and I can't see it making a hell of a lot of difference.

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I love mine...It's great that you can dial in exact delay time, including bpm, which is helpful when you use drum machines.



Yep. I posted in some other thread today about that exact feature. It works well with real drummers, too (especially when you keep yours on a click track for recording)!


I love the DD-20, but I admit, I have yet to ever use it as a looper. I just use it as a delay. And at that, it's fantastic.

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It is best for recording to click I find. I also loved the loop feature. I used it as an aid in songwritting. Eventually I opted out for a dd3 and dm3 combo. I dunno how i feel about it. But having the real deal for analog comforts me. Plus I can oscillate, allthough on the dd20 with the fback cranked you can get that "on the verge of oscillation tone which I love.

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If you want a looper, buy a looper.

If you want the baddest-ass digital delay available, get the DD-20.

The looper doesn't save loops when turned or when you switch modes, but it can do infinite overdubs.

I believe the RC-20/XL has a preamp built in, but it should be last in your chain and I can't see it making a hell of a lot of difference.



Not worried about saving loops when it shuts off. I just want to get ideas for recording and such, and practice leads over simple and short rhythms (blues, ii-v-i, etc)


And I wouldn't use the DD20 for live looping on stage or anything. At least not for precise loops.

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If you want a looper, buy a looper.

If you want the baddest-ass digital delay available, get the DD-20.



This is the real answer.


tenoken, the only negative thing I have found so far with it is this. I found that it does do trails on your delayed signal but not when you switch patches from 4 to manual mode. Does that make since? I try to go from say patch 3 back to patch 1 or 2. Trails do work but not when you go through manual mode. I just figured this out this weekend. Of course this could be fixed by purchasing the optional foot switch, or maybe there is something else that I'm overlooking (if so someone please let me know).


However, I still love the DD-20 and would buy it again anyday. I never tried the DL4 because I had read so many bad reviews on it's reliability. I was intrigued by its features as well but I need something that will last. I dont' have hundreds of dollars to throw at junk.


I say try them all but if it was me I'd go with the DD-20 again, it's awesome!

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Not worried about saving loops when it shuts off. I just want to get ideas for recording and such, and practice leads over simple and short rhythms (blues, ii-v-i, etc)

And I wouldn't use the DD20 for live looping on stage or anything. At least not for precise loops.



In this case I think the looping function on the DD-20 would suite you perfectly. It's more of a practice tool or teaser to get you to by the looper pedal.

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So far so good!

Didn't know that
caused massive tone loss!! Anyone else experience that?

I get the impression that, pound for pound, the
can't be beat.

I used to really like the DL-4 from Line 6, but after going through three of them in a year due to mechanical and electronic failure, I decided to give the DD-20 a shot.

Honestly, there really isn't a better delay pedal out there with similar features (presets, models of various delays, reliability, ease of use, sound quality, delay length, etc.). If anyone knows of one, do let me know. I'll buy it. :thu:

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i don't like the looping function on the dd20; just too limited. If you want more than several measures in the loop, the time limit becomes an issue. For this, the rc-2 is much much better. Although, the saving loop function may not seem like much, it is in fact HUGE. You get 11 saves, even after an unplug (something the dd-20 cannot do on both counts). I have found the memorization to be very important for getting ideas down and coming back too. Just my opinion though.


As for the delay function on the dd20, i think it is great. The dd20 laughs at most analog delays including the dm3 from the standpoint of feature, price and sounding good-- it is that good. I especially like the presets -- save all my delays and go. It could be true bypassed but meh it's a boss.

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One of my fave things to do on the DD-20 is, rather than loop with the sound-on-sound (which I still do for longer loops), I tap whole notes out on the Warp mode and control the feedback of each repeat/loop. That way, I can fade out different loops while starting new ones.

Not a replacement for a looper or even the sound-on-sound, but this way, I can get the tempo somewhat and have a little control over how the layers dissolve.

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