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whatever happened to those berhinger copies?


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Hopefully what?


I'm just being a prick because I like to diss Berhinger. :evil:

I've said this before about a month ago in another post, but I would rather pay the extra $$$ to support the innovators of the original design than support a company who is cashing in on someone else's inspiration. But whatever... :blah::blah::blah:

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I'm just being a prick....but I would rather pay the extra $$$ to support the innovators of the original design than support a company who is cashing in on someone else's inspiration. ...

which'd include, but certainly is not limited to:


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which'd include, but certainly is not limited to:











I'm not catching your drift. Educate me with examples of how those companies copy/clone to the degree that Berhinger does, and maybe I'll eat my words. Are you an advocate for their products, or an advocate in general of cloning legendary FX?

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first, your position that ehx could sue for behr cloning fx that are still in production, just because they are still in production, is ludicrous, as well as having no legal clout behind it. strat copies? LP copies? TS copies? what gives you the idea that because a product is out there, that nobody else can do the same thing. Levi, Wrangler, Lee.

patents? not likely, not on a fuzzbox thats been copied for over 30yrs.

trade dress infringement? perhaps, but also not very likely. nobody would ever mistake a behr vd-1 for a big muff, even with just a passing glance.

secondly, almost the entire MI industry is based on using other folks' 'inspiration.'

fender --- got their amp circuits from Western Electric how-to/project books. public domain, sure, but certainly not leo's inspirations.

marshall --- modified a bassman to take el34, and not much else changed before they called it a marshall amp. marshall preamp circuits were essentially a bassman preamp circuit for many yrs.

mesa-boogie --- again, modified fenders. in the beginning, they just hotrodded actual fender amps, then began building from the ground up.

gibson --- their amps took fender circuits, swapped a component or two.

ibanez -- copied mxr (see early phasers), ehx (the 850 'overdrive')

boss --- sd-1? try marginally modded tubescreamer. tu-2? one could say they stole the arion 8500, which predates it by a decent margin.

theres more, but i gotta do some laundry now...

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first, your position that ehx could sue for behr cloning fx that are still in production, just because they are still in production, is ludicrous, as well as having no legal clout behind it. strat copies? LP copies? TS copies? what gives you the idea that because a product is out there, that nobody else can do the same thing. Levi, Wrangler, Lee.

patents? not likely, not on a fuzzbox thats been copied for over 30yrs.

trade dress infringement? perhaps, but also not very likely. nobody would
mistake a behr vd-1 for a big muff, even with just a passing glance.

secondly, almost the
MI industry is based on using other folks' 'inspiration.'

fender --- got their amp circuits from Western Electric how-to/project books. public domain, sure, but certainly
leo's inspirations.

marshall --- modified a bassman to take el34, and not much else changed before they called it a marshall amp. marshall preamp circuits were essentially a bassman preamp circuit for many yrs.

mesa-boogie --- again, modified fenders. in the beginning, they just hotrodded actual fender amps, then began building from the ground up.

gibson --- their amps took fender circuits, swapped a component or two.

ibanez -- copied mxr (see early phasers), ehx (the 850 'overdrive')

boss --- sd-1? try marginally modded tubescreamer. tu-2? one could say they stole the arion 8500, which predates it by a decent margin.

theres more, but i gotta do some laundry now...



Some better examples could certainly be made for Ibanez...like pretty much ALL of their early 70's guitars....


To be fair, I don't think what Behringer's doing is quite the same as what Fender/Marshall/etc. were. Jim Marshall wasn't trying to copy Fender's amps beyond the basic electronic circuit, which at that time was more akin to "making an amp that works"....There wasn't a whole lot of variation in design yet anyway, to the extent that there was later.


Behringer isn't really trying to do their own thing with the ideas though. That being said, I'm a big fan of Malt-o-meal "Marshmallow Mateys", if you catch my drift. It's not as though a Behr. clone is going to threaten the marketability of the real thing. I knew about the "Vintage Time Machine" when I got my DMM, and I didn't even consider trying one (not that I've actually seen one, so far).


E-H, etc. will still be able to pull the premium prices on their gear because of this. Being the real deal, and not falling apart when you breath on it, goes a long way, with gear, imo.

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I'm a fan of behringer selling me a $40 DMM clone so that I can have (close to) the sounds of the real thing and not have to pay $150+. I look at it the same way as a modeling processor - they all try to copy the real effects so that you save money. Does anyone yell at L6 for their POD even though it "copies" amps and effects? No. People are just more pissy about Behringer because they are being much more overt about the cloning, making the names and chassis similar (which is kinda a step to far IMHO but also helps you figure out what's a clone of what ;))

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I'm a fan of behringer selling me a $40 DMM clone so that I can have (close to) the sounds of the real thing and not have to pay $150+. I look at it the same way as a modeling processor - they all try to copy the real effects so that you save money. Does anyone yell at L6 for their POD even though it "copies" amps and effects? No. People are just more pissy about Behringer because they are being much more overt about the cloning, making the names and chassis similar (which is kinda a step to far IMHO but also helps you figure out what's a clone of what

i yell at line6 for sucking though.

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first, your position that ehx could sue for behr cloning fx that are still in production, just because they are still in production, is ludicrous, as well as having no legal clout behind it. strat copies? LP copies? TS copies? what gives you the idea that because a product is out there, that nobody else can do the same thing. Levi, Wrangler, Lee.

patents? not likely, not on a fuzzbox thats been copied for over 30yrs.

trade dress infringement? perhaps, but also not very likely. nobody would
mistake a behr vd-1 for a big muff, even with just a passing glance.

secondly, almost the
MI industry is based on using other folks' 'inspiration.'

fender --- got their amp circuits from Western Electric how-to/project books. public domain, sure, but certainly
leo's inspirations.

marshall --- modified a bassman to take el34, and not much else changed before they called it a marshall amp. marshall preamp circuits were essentially a bassman preamp circuit for many yrs.

mesa-boogie --- again, modified fenders. in the beginning, they just hotrodded actual fender amps, then began building from the ground up.

gibson --- their amps took fender circuits, swapped a component or two.

ibanez -- copied mxr (see early phasers), ehx (the 850 'overdrive')

boss --- sd-1? try marginally modded tubescreamer. tu-2? one could say they stole the arion 8500, which predates it by a decent margin.

theres more, but i gotta do some laundry now...



I'm still not convinced that the examples you provided are as blatant about cloning as the Berhinger line, but I can appreciate the comparisons nonetheless.

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Ok, nobody has answered my question....

um, you fell asleep? the muff copy has been on the market for a year.

wake up, or dont. :p


I'm still not convinced that the examples you provided are as blatant about cloning as the Berhinger line, but I can appreciate the comparisons nonetheless.

you'll need to look at the actual circuits to see how absolutely blatant some of the copies are. especially the fender amp stuff was -- from Leo's grabbing the circuits, to then everbody stealing those. marshall jtm45 = bassman

other, more blatant examples may include:





are we getting any closer yet?

cuz i'm not gonna do all your research for you, but none of this is hard to find. :p

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I wouldn't buy those either. I understand your point about legalities. I agree that EHX and Boss can't very well sue Berhinger, and I was being facetious to begin with. I'm just expressing a personal preference (which everyone in this forum has in droves, non-noobs included) for the original classics over the clones. And I would continue to encourage others to save a few extra $$$ to buy the DMM instead of the Time Machine, even if only so Berhinger will have more motivation to create something legendary of their own.

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I wouldn't buy those either. I understand your point about legalities. I agree that EHX and Boss can't very well sue Berhinger, and I was being facetious to begin with. I'm just expressing a personal preference (which everyone in this forum has in droves, non-noobs included) for the original classics over the clones. And I would continue to encourage others to save a few extra $$$ to buy the DMM instead of the Time Machine, even if only so Berhinger will have more motivation to create something legendary of their own.

it goes both ways though --- if ibanez hadnt had success withtheir copy guitars, the may not have had the capital to (contract maxon to) release the tube screamer, whichin turn everybody ele, as their grandmother, has ultimately copied.

seems to have worked out for most involved -- Gibson,Fender,Rick, Ibanez, and every single pedal modder out there.

but to condemn a company in the MI industry for not being original, or riding soebody else's coattails, that just strikes me as a bit short-sighted.


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