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Pigtronix Attack Sustain review..


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I posted this at a couple other message boards but ..

I know this pedal has been a bit hard to find but i was lucky because Koltai found me worthy of a pro discount and some privilages so i managed to get one pretty early. AFter about 2 months w/ this thing i thought i would post a review.

First let me address the obvious... I like it way better than the boss slow gear, i had one like 10 years ago and found it far from versatile. The EH version for the attack decay was also way better than the boss as it had a real edgy slightly overdriven tone that reminded me of the old hot tubes. But in comparison I would say both fall short of the pigtronix. you can do all the things you'd do on those pedals plus a lot more w/ this and it's cheap compare to those. Here are some of the things it does well.

Attack decay, volume swell like fake reverse stuff. Very very good, and has enough range to cover quite a few guitars, and it'll sustain if you hold your note as long as the decay is not active. Does chords too and has a harmonic boost and mix level that makes it overdriven to distorted, pretty rad, I enjoy it for the fake frippertronics sounds.

Sustain decay... It's like the weirdest dynamic tremolo w/ a very synthey cut off. Very cool for fast stuff w/ the mix at 50% or a super synthey trem slow or fast.. the level can be tricky but it's a hurdle easily conquered w/ time spent. Pretty awesome and I can't think of another pedal that does this exact sound. Wish it could ramp up/down in speed though, that would make it singular.

Sustain , compression.. It's a bit ross like but w/out the high end cut off. Quite good for what I want it to do , which is sustain for long periods.

What this pedal doesn't do is all 3? it's too bad but you can get 2 out of 3 set up to sound awesome, but the levels being where I put them you can't just use the compression sustain because it's just too damn loud, the others need a little boost which you have plenty of but it just can't do all 3 and remain near the same level.

OVerall a great tool for what I would imagine a lot of guitarist looking to get synthey sounds or reverse sounds w/out delay. And for what is it $279 and nothing else like it on the market I say it's a bargin.

Leave questions and I'll do my best to answer them. Next up the PMW modulator!!! And Diceworks muff...

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That's not a bad price for what it does... when people were saying it was expensive I was thinking $350+. The price on a lot of boutique pedals are a little out of hand imo. Some are worth the price but lots are not.


Yeah if you think of it as 3 pedals.. it's like $80 each for analog reverse... analog gated trem, and analog compression, not too bad. I hate the graphics though, there something so dated about all his graphics, like Mountain Dew got together w/ the X-Games(that did happen) and decided to make pedals. Whatever, they are some great pedals in there.

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I actually like that look. Kitschy retro designs always appeal to me. Personally, I can't stand designs that have the polished military hardware look


I completely prefer that military hardware, 1950's mad scientist lab instrument vibe to pedals, so I guess they can't please anyone. Pigtronix stuff is amazing though so I guess I'll just close my eyes and tweak....


that or rehouse.

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