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I recently just got back into playing guitar after like a 2 year break. Bought a halfstack, Im trying to sell it becuase I was stupid to buy it in the first place. Now Im going to be getting a B-52 combo.


Thats said..whats with my pedal addiction! First, I bought a Metal Muff that I love. Then I got a DB01 wah. Then I got a MT-2 for $25, sweet. THEN I got a small clone, which is nice because it fits well in Metallica's interludes and whatnot. THEN I got ZW-44 for $45. THEN I got a Russian Big Muff for $35. Now I'm working out a deal for a Jeckyll and Hyde pedal, FTW!


Whats going on with me? LoL, I know I dont need all these pedals and that I want other effects, such as delay or whatever but I cant seem to pass up all these good deals.

Like I find that each pedal has its own flavor for different types of songs i.e. Metal Muff and MT-2. But I dont need them..I guess.


And now with the Jeckyll/Hyde pedal its going to be even more. MADNESS! Should I sell something off? I was thinking of selling the ZW-44 I just got to get some $$ on the J/H since it has a overdrive and distortion.


AND THEN I realized they also make a Route 66 OD and compressor which would knock 2 birds out with one stone. But I cant exactly find one for cheap. The J/H pedal I'm probably getting for 85. bah! Im so confused...any help here guys?

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You are just getting started
I have more OD pedals than your total # of pedals after hanging here and a couple of other places in the last couple of years.

Yeah bout do you actually use them? lol

Now, I MIGHT consider splitting with my Small Clone and getting a VS H20. Good idea?

And any thoughts on the Jekyll?

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OKAy so I just went and tested out my MT-2 and MM.


I DO have to admit that the MT-2 is nice and I like the fact that its so eq responsive HOWEVER the metal Muff has more balls to it and gives and richer tone. I got the MT-2 close to the Metal Muff (sound Wise) but still no cigar.


What I probably will do is sell the MT-2. I'm also probably going to sell the ZW-44. If I sell those two then getting the Jeckyll is justifiable since it has OD which Im looking for and I heard that its OD is VERY nice. AND then it has some distortion jsut in case I want a different sound.


And my last paragraph (sorry Im writing so much). Im also looking for a compressor and an OD. Would it be wiser to get Route 66? Has anyone had any experience with it? Im figuring I'll get the Jeckyll and maybe sell it later on when I find a good deal on the Route 66 which has an OD and a compressor.


**still need opinions on selling the small clone and getting an H20 pedal**

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ehh selling pedals you buy cheap can be a double edged sword.. One hand you can sell it for more than you bought it for, on the other hand lots of pedals are good to have, even if you are not using them currently.. and besides you got a good deal. so no worries.


I'm more into selling things that were expensive but i have absolutely no use for. But I try to not sell pedals.

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Well anyone who spends around $600 on a pedal ain't all 2 smart.




I agree. But only because I'm not rich.


If I could afford it, then I would have all kinds of crap I don't need, but only want....as it stands, I only have a few different kinds of crap I don't need, but only want.


Any body want a chicken salad?

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when i first came to this forum years ago, i'd owned 2 stomp boxes and a multi effects pedal, and it led to the buying, trading and selling of over 80 different pedals in the space of about 2 years.


now i've come back a few months ago, i've just bought 6 pedals in the last 2 weeks.


get out while you still can!

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another NOOB thread freakin 98 whole posts and he already knows everything about tone.

Thanks for being an ass...good job dave man.

O look, a whole 19343214734-31471 posts, that makes you leet!

And just because I have 100 posts wtf does that have to do with tone? That doesnt even make sense. and lastly , if you think you NEED a $600 to get a good tone then I'm not the noob.

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The challenge has been laid down, EK!


(and the noob's not even found boutiques yet...)


Not a noob. WTF is with this place and jerks huh?

And I know what boutique pedals are and yes I have tried my friends' pedals before. And yet again, I dont think you need to spend THAT much for good tone...

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They just calls em like they sees em man. None of us start out on the booteek path (that is, except for Markom).


As for a $600 pedal, that's a little excessive, but I think I'd gladly pay $200 or possibly $300 for the right pedal. Of course, I also don't have bills to pay :lol:

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