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Triple band compressor? compress those highs, mids and lows!


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Would anyone be interested in a triple band compressor? Much the same sort of idea as my Triple Band Overdrive but instead of handling the overdrive levels on the lows mids and highs you can select the amount of compression on each section.....


I imagine it would make for some pretty odd sounding effects - a bit like when you run a compressor with a clean blend ///// :wave:

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I'm tossing this over in my mind and I recon it wouldn't be too hard to put a working proto together. Turning it into a working and useful design is another matter.


It took me half a day to get a "working prototype" of my Waterfall - the next few months perfecting it. But I suppose half of that time was me messing about not making my mind up about what features to include!

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I would be interested. My comp of choice is the EBS-Multi-Comp because it has some limited multi-band compression on it. Why does this appeal to me? I use my comp in some tradional ways on a 6 string axe but also use it a lot for lap slide and (expecially the multi-band mode) electric 12 string guitar. I try to squash things so the bass strings pop a little more than the treble strings. Beign able to do true multi-band on a pedal would be just wonderful for me for that application.


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Cheers Phil, I'll check a few out. I'm imagining the main problem will be getting the envelope section triggering correctly. I need to figure out if one follower would do or if 3 seperate followers, one for each frequency band, will be required. I'm thinking it would be the latter.


Ian, I imagine a multiband comp would be great on 12 string. You could really taylor your sound. That hexacomp sounds great, if a bit pricey at $300. It's the first time I've seen it! Trust Akai to spoil the party :(


What sort of control do you guys like to see over the compression? Attack and decay controls?


I'm giving myself a stupid workload here. I'm still polishing off 4 designs as I speak!

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