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Zvex Box of Rock or EH English Muff'n?


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They're very different. BoR has far more gain variations, and clones the cranked JCM45 tone remarkably at controllable volumes. OTOH, The Muff'n has a Bass, Treble, and Mid in between it's pre and post gain tubes. There's a lot of subtlety and flexability in there, depending on weather you crunch before the eq, after, or both.


What amp will you be using?

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The other cool thing about the Muff'n is that you can swap the tubes with different makes and models to change it's gain and personality.


BoR gets kudos for having simpler power needs (not having tubes and all).


I don't think it's a question of one being clearly "better." They're both great and made to do different (if Marshall influenced) things. Test them both out with your own axe and a similar amp in a store, if you can.

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They're very different. BoR has far more gain variations, and clones the cranked JCM45 tone remarkably at controllable volumes. OTOH, The Muff'n has a Bass, Treble, and Mid in between it's pre and post gain tubes. There's a lot of subtlety and flexability in there, depending on weather you crunch before the eq, after, or both.

What amp will you be using?



I'm going to be using my fender twin reverb reissue. Thanks for the help. I appreciate it everyone.

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