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Just won an Arion Phaser...

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I'm thinking about getting that one. How does it sound?

I love budget pedals. I used to be a boutique/vintage snob.

I have a few other phasers- nothing boutique. Sound samples are still up on MF and it seems pretty decent. Lots of good cheapie pedals around these days- I have a Behringer VP1 which nails the Small Stone sound for few $$. Quite a few great sounding Arions out there (flange, chorus, Tubulator) and most of the Dano minis are winners as well :thu:

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Update: just got this thing today and really impressed!! Sounds a lot like a Small Stone on the regular setting, but w/ more tweakability and no volume drop at all. A/B'd it w/ my Behringer VP1 and it sounds slightly better w/ more clarity, but of course doesn't have the color switch. Not bad for $2.30 :D

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the second pedal i ever owned about 13 years ago was the MIJ arion phaser, and i recently bought a brand new one (not MIJ, but every bit as good).


i {censored}ing love this thing. there is no volume drop, and like Sei says, it's very vocal. it's got a nice long and deep sweep to it too, and it doesn't appear to suck any tone too bad. shame it's not built better, but there are plastic pedals with a much lower build quality than arions.

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the second pedal i ever owned about 13 years ago was the MIJ arion phaser, and i recently bought a brand new one (not MIJ, but every bit as good).

i {censored}ing love this thing. there is no volume drop, and like Sei says, it's very vocal. it's got a nice long and deep sweep to it too, and it doesn't appear to suck any tone too bad. shame it's not built better, but there are plastic pedals with a much lower build quality than arions.

I'm finding it to be very vocal as well :thu: I cleaned it up and it looks much better, but I've gotta find a couple more knobs :o

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I also recall the sweep being very vocal/unique ... but mine crapped out on me after only a couple of months. It randomly transformed from a phaser to a parametric boost and sporadically continued to phase when it felt like it. :freak:

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