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Are there any chorus pedals similar to the CE-2?


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I've realized today that i really don't like my Ibanez CS-9 all that much.

A while back I had a CE-2 and sold it for peanuts basically:mad:. I see CE-2's going on ebay for quite a bit now. Is there anything out there that sounds just as good for a bit less?

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Supposedly, the ce-5 was meant to sound like the ce-2 but with more versatility and stereo outputs. It falls a little short, but not much. Find an older model ce-5, which was an analog circuit. They sound pretty nice.

Also, I have a jacques meistersinger that sounds very close and can get many other chorus' out of it also. My personal favorite chorus.

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Supposedly, the ce-5 was meant to sound like the ce-2 but with more versatility and stereo outputs. It falls a little short, but not much. Find an older model ce-5, which was an analog circuit. They sound pretty nice.



yeah I think that circuit is like pre 1999? I forget, it's on bossarea.com


I really enjoy the ce-3 as well. it's certainly not a ce-2, but has some great sounds and can get prety close.

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Teh Voodoo labs is pretty close to the cs9, have you heard of or tried the CS-505; it's night & day different from the cs9/ce-2. Think post punk/goth chorus vs 80's buttrawk ballad stuff.

In fact the cs-505 is simular to the CE-1, small clone & dod 460 mini chorus as far as lushness, it doesn't have the high modulation speed of the small clone or dod 460 form what I recall of it.

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If you want something that sounds like a CE-2, then just get a CE-2 from ebay.

I keep thinking of selling mine, then I always plug it in for a last go and remember why I like it so it ends up staying. But it's not a pedal I play very often, it's not even on my board.

I love my CE-2. That is the chorus that I judge others by. I have an Analogman w/ deep switch that I love. It's more EHX than CE-2 to me. With the deep switch it does give a bit of the flavor though. Love them both. :thu:

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Turns out the Ibanez sounds much better after distortion, not before. So I think it'll stay for a bit longer.

I just really miss my CE-2 It's such a killer pedal.


That is one of my favorite chorus pedals. beautiful sound esp in stereo. The VL is not as lush to me but does a much better "leslie" like sound with the two knobs almost maxed.

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I guess it would depend if it was more traditional or not

Ultra lord Chorus

hah yea i'm thinking a Mojo Hand one could be like, 2 knobs, simple in the vein of the Sugar Baby trem. Classic ce1, ce2, small clone... type of stuff.

or the Sinister Analog Chorus... 4 knobs, crazy polychorus type stuff.:eek:

haha wow i'm gassing for pedals that dont even exist

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