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I'm not sure if I want to continue writing lyrics.


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I've written lyrics for a number of my songs.


I don't think they are that bad, but it takes me a really long time to make them and it doesn't feel too natural for me. I don't have that emotional connection to the lyrics I write, it is kind of like acting in a way.


Here are four of my favorite lyrics I've written with soundclick links to the songs:


Through the Forest




Verse 1

I'm running through the forests, Show me what I want to see,

I want to see your power, Spirit energy,

I want to believe, everythings not what it seems,

Take me on ride, ride to the other side.



Running through the forests (Searching for what might exist)

Wondering what we could of missed (Running through the forests)




Verse 2

I'm running along the path, Searching for what might exist,

Then out of the air, A burst of cold in my chest,

A shining ball of light, came out from the forest,

Maybe this is what I'll find, a new kind of life



Running through the forests (Searching for what might exist)

Wondering what we could of missed (Running through the forests)




Verse 3

Wondering what I see, might be something I'll forget,

As the light fades to shadow, The spirit I just met,

Shows me the right path, but I'll be back again,

Wondering if I exist, running out of the forest.



Running through the forests (Searching for what might exist)

Wondering what we could of missed (Running through the forests)

Running through the forests (Searching for what might exist)

Wondering what we could of missed (Running through the forests)





Falling Awake


Verse 1

Can't sleep, falling awake, minutes pass,

A dream, of you and me, beneath eternity,

Asleep, free from gravity, reality,

Wake up, fallen back to earth, time stops,



For you,

I dream,



I've fallen away, I'm falling awake, falling for you,

I've fallen through time, drifted away, now I lie falling awake,


Verse 2

Can't wait, to see your face, hours pass,

A stream, of falling blue moonbeams, it's getting late,

Asleep, another dream, eternally,

Awake, without you, time stops, until once again,




For you,

I dream,



I've fallen away, I'm falling awake, falling for you,

I've fallen through time, drifted away, now I lie falling awake,


Bridge (Solo)



For you,

I dream,



I've fallen away, I'm falling awake, falling for you,

I've fallen through time, drifted away, now I lie falling awake,


Verse 3

Asleep, free from gravity, reality,

Wake up, fallen back to earth, time stops,







Verse 1

You, Me, Everything has gone under,

Right now, Then, Time is an illusion, Give it a break,



Just take a trip,

A little trip,

Take everything that you need,


Verse 2

Need, Want, Don't take this all on me, please, tell me whats

Real, Lies, Just realize the truth in yourself,



Just take a trip,

A little trip,

Take everything that you need,


Chorus (No Vocals)


Verse 3 (with Riff)

Space, Time, aligns as one continuum,

as Us, Them, Fall away in the future



Just take a trip,

A little trip,

Take everything that you need,



Just take a trip,

A little trip,

Take everything,


Lights Out





Numb, from the eyes,

Can't recognize,

It's dark outside,

Stay in sight,



Where'd you go,

I'm running out of control,

Out of control,



All alone



Lights out, Asking why,

I can't see you, One more time

Don't worry,

It's alright,



I don't know where you went,

I'm running out of command,

Out of command,



All alone





Don't leave me here all alone,

I'm just a boy, in a hole,

All alone.


Excuse me for the bad recordings and the bad singing. :lol:


I'm singing better now than those recordings. I'm still young, and I'm improving fast. :blah:


Please try to keep the responses on the lyrics, the music is there for context.


I'm just looking for someone to maybe encourage me a bit or tell me the truth. :confused:


Also, if you want to hear some of my more current music which I feel is much stronger than this check out my myspace in my sig.


BTW - I did also post this on the songwriting forum, I just want some opinions from HCFX!

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when I write lyrics I write them as I write the chords and I think about how the words sound with that particular chord or how they feel in the chord structure rather than what they mean. To me that's more important.

After I've written them I read through them and attatch personal meaning to them, so I can sing them with some emotion.




Time with you again

Look at me with venom

Like you summerise

the light between your eyes


I had no idea what those words meant when I wrote them, I just liked they way they sounded..but now I know what they mean and who they are about....to me anyway, which is the only important thing because everyone will project thier own feelings and thoughts onto your lyrics and they will mean something else to them anyway.


yeah, most important to me is how the words sound.

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Try writing songs without 'I' or 'you' in them also, it tends to make you write differently.


Also try writing in the third person, lots of 'she' or whatever.


you might find it gives you some new ideas.


...and try some stream of concoiusness (can't spell) stuff.


just put your pen on the paper and write what comes into your head, then as you are reading that sentance, it will make you think of the next line, do that for a page or two, then go back and sift through it all and pick out the stuff you like, then arrange it into a song after, I've written some great choruses using that method.


just some ideas to try and inspire you to keep going :thu:

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Just put your pen on the paper and write what comes into your head, then as you are reading that sentance, it will make you think of the next line, do that for a page or two, then go back and sift through it all and pick out the stuff you like, then arrange it into a song after, I've written some great choruses using that method.



I sort of do that, it takes me a lot longer though to make something good.


It's not like writing the music, I usually get really into writing everything else and even my most complex pieces I usually finish in a day or so.


Lyrics don't feel like my thing at all, I'm wondering if my lyrics are good enough to keep with it though. I just don't feel like I have the connection between the words and the music. I'm wondering if there are any other songwriters like me?


In my exband, my bassist would write lyrics too, he seemed a lot more into it and more attached to his lyrics. He was good with titles.


Here's one of his lyrics:



3 Feet from the Ocean


runaway, close my eyes, shut the door

say goodbye, to all your lies, never wondering why

make believe, in a dream, things are not, what they seem

24, hours more, until i have


and i thought this was the last time

before i'd save your soul

this dream could never last a lifetime

never die young, never grow old

as i walk through the hills in silence

as i speak i fade away

as i stand 3 feet from the ocean

i know to stand far away


one more way, for my lies, to come undone

save your fight, for the life, we have won

make believe, all your dreams, live inside things you see

24, ways i lack the fire inside to win you back


and i thought this was the last time

before i'd save your soul

this dream could never last a lifetime

never die young, never grow old

as i walk through the hills in silence

as i speak i fade away

as i stand 3 feet from the ocean

i know to stand far away


runaway, close my eyes, shut the door

say goodbye, to all your lies, never wondering why

make believe, in a dream, things are not, what they seem

24, hours more, until i have to make it on my own

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