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CE-1 related question.


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So Ive been told that my amp's (Roland Jazz Chorus) chorus has the CE-1 circuit in it, or at least something very similar. I love the way it sounds, but I have a problem with onboard efx.....I dont want chorus at the end of my signal.


So....Im wondering what the closest thing to a CE-1 is. Ive heard that the CE-2 and CE-3 are both very good, but do they get anywhere near the CE-1? Id prefer the CE-3 because of stereo.


Under $75 used. Really. Please dont tempt me with stuff that is $350. :cry:

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The CE-3 IMHO is not comparable to the CE-2 at all. The CE-2 is a much better sounding subtle chorus. The CE-3 is a little more digital sounding, and you can't tweak the trim or else it sounds worse. The CE-2 is a little tweakable.


Having said this. I would love to own the CE-3 and CE-2

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DON'T buy a ce-5. I had the bbd version, doesn't hold a candle to the jc120. Honestly, nothing even comes close. The ce-5 is way more subtle and thin sounding. I've used the ibanez 9 series, its a lot better then the ce-5, but is somewhat dark. No ce-1 thats for sure. I've had a visual sound h2o, that was alright, did more of a leslie thing, but still left a lot to be had (but the echo side was nice, for the $$ can't go wrong). Umm the dod one I had was really pretty good, but gave it up b/f giving it a wholehearted try.


Sorry for the rant, but I haven't found anything in the lower end that even plays on the same field as the ce-1.


I'd say your best bet is to try the small clone.

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