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Britney Needs to Shave

Mike McLenison

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Doesn't matter if you do it as revenge or out of spite, the world is going to see your {censored} act and aren't going to be aware of the context (not that I think Britney is aware of her own context in the slightest). That video will persist for ages and...well, yeah we all know she's even {censored} in the world of miming pop artists.

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notice the correct shadow in the first pic, and the added in shadow of the second.

the shadows in the 2nd picture even point in 2 different directions. proving an additional light source was used, and that the lenses were not the ones used in the astronauts chest mounted carmera. the moon landing was a fake , this picture is evidence of that.

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She used to be hot with dancing and performing talent (no singing talent to speak of). :thu:

Now she's not hot with no dancing, performing, or singing talent. :idk:

I think the only reason this is even an issue, otherwise she would fade into pop obscurity, is that she was an MTV made talent.

The evil organization that is MTV holds on to what it creates - attempting to shove it down our throats again and again (see Madonna). It is part of their goal to keep the pool of bigtime pop stars as small as possible.

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