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OT-I hate 24!


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i love jack. i'm ready for january

its kinda the exact same show OVER and OVER tho. a bomb.... a few brown guys..... a timer.... some chemicals..... a bomb or two.... someone at CTU is badddddd ohhhhh...... :bor:

i liked it at first but my gawd talk about recycling!

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i am divided about this issue...
i sort of like it... but i thought it was repetitive. sort of wish it was called 12 hours :thu:
so maybe jack could get some rest beetween series!
It was the first time I saw it.... enjoyed, got hooked up on it until i saw the last episode... bittersweet in the sense of as much as I enjoyed all the action at some point I got tired of this and that, now this again...the chinese, the russians blah blah blah!
but yeah, it is adictive and no really merits for that, as the american tv co are masters on the subject!

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