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New tube amp... $100!!!!

C Fuzz

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Stopped by my local music shop on lunch break today. Peavey dealer, it's where I got my ValveKing Royal 8. Anyway, I see this little Nano Valve class A tube, 6" speaker, I ask how much? He says he just got it in and has no idea, I offer $100, he says sure. I was in and out in like 3 minutes. Good lunch break!

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Stopped by my local music shop on lunch break today. Peavey dealer, it's where I got my ValveKing Royal 8. Anyway, I see this little Nano Valve class A tube, 6" speaker, I ask how much? He says he just got it in and has no idea, I offer $100, he says sure. I was in and out in like 3 minutes. Good lunch break!


Those retail for, like, $75! YOU GOT TOOK, SON!!! :D


Did you at least get the vinyl slipcover that was supposed to come with it? :confused:





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I wish they'd make more cheap low wattage tube heads. I really have no interest in playing through a 6" speaker when I can use a nice cab. I know you can use an extension cab or whatever but I don't want to have to buy the baby speaker.

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I wish they'd make more cheap low wattage tube heads. I really have no interest in playing through a 6" speaker when I can use a nice cab. I know you can use an extension cab or whatever but I don't want to
to buy the baby speaker.


Do you own a low watt tube head?


Which ones are out there, besides the Epi JV and the Tiny Terror?


Oh no, I'm having amp forum flashbacks! :eek:

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haha there really aren't a lot out there that I'm aware of besides the boutique builders. I guess you could put the mini Z in with those two but that's kind of stretching what I'd consider an affordable mini amp.


There's the blackheart thing Crate is doing but I don't think it's out yet.


I own a valve jr. and love it. I really only use it clean and run effects for overdrive but it's plenty loud for what I need it to do.

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