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Bah! Let the acquisitions begin!

Devi Ever

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what guitars/amps do you play through?


I play a late 90's MIM strat. I generally record direct, but recently got a Vox Pathfinder 10 that I'm really enjoying.


It's been ages since I played live, so I really don't have a live amp preference yet... always enjoyed the Sovtek Mig 50 though when I did play live. :')


I'm mainly collecting for recording purposes at the moment.


- - -


... and Homestar_Kevin... {censored} YOU... I'll DO IT!!!! :mad:

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Remember a few weeks ago when you sold those bitchin pants on your ebay store? Were you the one wearing them in the pics?


Ha ha no... they were way too big for me, and I'm not quite an exhibitionist yet :love:....



{censored}ing awesome store I got them from on ebay. They have cool guy stuff too.




I would love if that kind of fashion got huge in the US... really tired of emo/retro fashion.

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Once I get my Space Echo running, I'm going to sell it if I'm not totally in love with the thing (never played with one before). I'll let you know if it goes to market, and cut you a deal if you can mod a pedal or two for me


Unfortunately I don't mod pedals anymore... nor hardly build for direct orders... it's all standard production these days. :cry:


Let me know if you do let it go though!

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Ah. Yes. Mine is actually SHS with the H wired out of phase. I highly recommend such to anyone who needs a lot of tones on hand for recording. :')



That's a cool config. Mine is middle out of phase, with coil tap on the bridge. That's versatile enough for me. Especially since my other guitar is HH with both pickups tappable and a in/out phase switch.

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Unfortunately I don't mod pedals anymore... nor hardly build for direct orders... it's all standard production these days.

Let me know if you do let it go though!


Damn. I need somebody to mod my varidrive, the LED is on ALL THE TIME, I just want to come one when the thing is switched on. Also I'd like to get my BC-10 rehoused with a new switch. Maybe it's time I learn to do it myself.

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