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Budda Wah and other options?


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Ok, I'm gonna be in the market for a good wah in a couple of weeks.


I drawn towards the Budda wah, but what other options would you recommend? I just sold my standard crybaby because it was a tone sucker from hell, but apart from that I thought it sounded ok. I'll probably be buying used because good wah's don't come cheap especially here in the UK!


any other suggestions?


I'd like something that looks like a wah not a spaceship by the way! :)


price? depends on what they go for used really? no more than

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the budda is warm and fat sounding. the vox 847 has more treble toe down, and maybe a little more sweep, but probably not as much as the clyde (treble wise). it's been replaced with the 847a, ...i don't know how it sounds. i like the budda for funk.

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the budda is warm and fat sounding. the vox 847 has more treble toe down, and maybe a little more sweep, but probably not as much as the clyde (treble wise). it's been replaced with the 847a, ...i don't know how it sounds. i like the budda for funk.

mmm... actually I don't know if I want 'warm and fat' and I'm no funk player either...I want it for mudhoney solos! :lol:

I think the 847a has a power jack added..

are they true bypassed or good buffered or what? I really don't want to be selling it in 5 months time. I need this to be THE wah i use.

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I've found the Budda to be quite expensive over here. I would recommend an RMC Wah - Better build quality than the Budda, and there's surely one that would suit your needs. I would use no other than my Wizard Wah, but my sound preferences may well differ from yours, unless you like a wah that retains definition under high gain, has a huge range with so many sweet spots, a very smooth overall sweep and a non-piercing top. I got mine from aireguitars.co.uk, but they may not still have them (mine was old stock from 2005). The US stockists, like musictoyz and analogman are very reasonable, however, and the customs duties aren't so bad, so I'm told.



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I've found the Budda to be quite expensive over here. I would recommend an RMC Wah - Better build quality than the Budda, and there's surely one that would suit your needs. I would use no other than my Wizard Wah, but my sound preferences may well differ from yours. I got mine from aireguitars.co.uk, but they may not still have them (mine was old stock from 2005). The US stockists, like musictoyz and analogman are very reasonable, however, and the customs duties aren't so bad, so I'm told.


thanks, I'll look into the RMC's...customs duties? I don't know if I've just been lucky but I've never paid it. unlike my mate who had 3 t-shirts stopped a while back!! lol, I have had pretty large things from the states and always got away with it. :)

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mmm... actually I don't know if I want 'warm and fat' and I'm no funk player either...I want it for mudhoney solos!

I think the 847a has a power jack added..

are they true bypassed or good buffered or what? I really don't want to be selling it in 5 months time. I need this to be THE wah i use.

Vox V848 is TB. The Budda, all RMC, Dunlop Crybaby Classic, older Morley Power Wahs are (I have one from 2002 that is, but newer ones are buffered; I don't know how good) are also.

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thanks, I'll look into the RMC's...customs duties? I don't know if I've just been lucky but I've never paid it. unlike my mate who had 3 t-shirts stopped a while back!! lol, I have had pretty large things from the states and always got away with it.

Hmmm... I'm afraid I don't know exactly - I guess it must be

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