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should I buy this.


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I dunno. It's cheapish, but I don't recognise the brand, and there's no guarantee that it doesn't suck. If you can spare the money and the time, why not? It might be your "secret weapon", or at least you might get some vintage tubes with some mileage in them and a brand name speaker you can eBay... or it might suck, have no "scrap value" and cost you petrol money. That's less of a "what if..."


All in all, no.

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i'd at least find out what kind of tubes are in there before planning a trip.



OTOH, there wasnt a whole lot of reinventing the wheel back then, most rigs were slight variations on the usual schematic themes of the day = good things.


also keep in mind that store branding/etc was quite common back then, a non-known name doesnt really mean too much.

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i'd at least find out what kind of tubes are in there before planning a trip.





Yeah, if it's got tubes that are easily found today I would hit that hard. Those old amps are usually sleepers. Especially if he had a tech give it the once over. It's probably got some miles left, and low wattage amps are killer.

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No. I've had people give me stuff like that and it will die in a few hours/days of use, it will be a major pain in the ass to fix it because the components are all weird crap you can't find any more, the speaker will suck, it will just suck, it will make you suck playing through it, and you will have wasted $100+gas money plus a couple hours of your life you can't get back.


But you can give it a try if you must, maybe this one will kick ass.

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unbranded amps = always die within a few hours of purchase, even if said amp is still operable after 40+ yrs, prior to purchase.


check the schematics, you'll see that its wired that way, and theres no way to mod it to not be so.

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Ok you are joking with me but I am serious, I've had quite a few odd ball junk stuff like that, and they all really did die in relatively no time, then I took it to a tech and he is like wtf, I can't fix this, or he is like it is going to cost $40billion dollars for NOS parts, and so I figured out why they were given to me for free.

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right off the top of my head, i can think of one amp that uses that config:


tweed champ.


another: blackface and silverface champ


chances are, the purveyors of this amp werent out to re-invent the wheel.


think about it.

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