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I want a Tremolo pedal any suggestions?


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The best trem IMO is the Frantone Vibutron. I got mine for $165 used, but I'm going to super glue it to my board so it doesn't go anywhere. New they are a little more than you want to spend.
The Keeley TR2 is probably the best I've tried under $150. It is also very warm and fat like a tube amp trem. Others I've tried include the Semaphore, Supa Trem, Kaden Fluttertone and VL Tremolo.

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Whaddayall think of the EH pulsar?


I :love: my Pulsar (older version). For the price, it's hard to beat. The trem shapes are very tweakable, getting into asymmetrical territory. Mine has no noise or volume drop issue. The Wiggler is also sweet. The shapes are preset (1 trem, 4 vibratos), but the tone is radically altered by the tubes - very vintage, soft, warm, and slightly fuzzy.

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...You said you wanted a Fender Reverb-like tone. The Tremulator will come the closest to that. It's the best sounding trem without all the bells and whistles.



Or for $90 you can have a Carl Martin Surf Trem, which is an excellent analog copy of the old school Fender tremolo circuit. Sounds just like the trem on my old blackface Fender Super Reverb. I just love mine.


Some of the other products mentioned here are probably more versatile, but I'd be surprised if anything nailed the sound of an old fender amp's tremolo better than the Carl Martin, because it is so spot-on. It is also a very cool-looking turquoise pedal.


They're hard to find used. I watched ebay for 3 months and saw exactly one (and I bought it). But new price is still well within your budget.


Rock on,

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i have a cusack taw, it is a great trem, i just don't use all the settings it has and was thinking about getting a semaphore, so


shed some light on it, is it transparent, does it affect ur tone,is it strong to cut thru the mix?

how can u compare it, if you have heard it to an empress tremolo?

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