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evolution (of the pedalboard)


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im gonna show the evolution of my pedalboard. it will take us into the new year, and probably be forgotten about tomorrow. i will bump it in desperation, but it will be ignored/etc. i will continue to post IN VAIN. watch HIGH FIDELITY starring John Cusack. its the balls.


last week:




yes, that is an old book case shelf. why? cuz.

i stuck velcro on it in strategic spots, and it was a cool little board. the opposite side is slick though, and it slides on the floor when you step on it. also, since im a whore, its too small for the amount of pedals i want to put on it. sigh, we had some fun, didnt we old friend? (by fun, i mean like, an hour of jamming last week since ive been SWAMPED).


my love for the ps5?





i look like an asshole. and i look dumb. and like {censored}.






i decided to go back to my home made board. i used marine plywood and i went to my friends house where he cut everything up all nice. i knew i wanted a second tier that was angled, but it wasnt planned out too well, as the original plan was to have a power strip underneath it, but its not tall/deep enough. FEAR NOT. i have another pedal board project in the works. yeah, its gonna be bigger/more annoying.


as you can see, the venerable dano dan echo has been added into the fold (thank you izesca, you should have gotten the micro amp by now).


the dan echo rules, i used to have one but it got all clock noisy on me so i traded it for a big muff. bad choice? no. the big muff is still on my board. cant you see? cant you?


what is to come?


well my friends, there is much to come. there is yet another (ANOTHER) delay pedal on its way. what pedal you say? oh, you know her well, compatriots:


THE IBANEZ DE7. ibanezDE7thumb.jpg


oh frick yeah. just TRY not to cry. i know. you cant help it. its okay. everyone needs a good cry.


you may have also noticed that my AC30CC2 footswitch is on my board. yeah? whats it to ya?


i like it there. it makes for easy switching. AND the cord is detachable (im looking at you, peavey) for easy un-attaching.


the boss od3 is my go-to overdrive these days. ever since i got it (january of last year) ive been in love with it. its perfect for me. sounds amazing with humbuckers, and even BETTER with singles, especially on the tele. its also good friends with my vox ac30. turns out they went to school together. go figure?


heres my pedal board from before summer of this year:




yes. that skb pedal board IS awesome. yes i am dumb for selling it.


the ge7 is on its way out (swapped for the de7), the holy grail was sold a while ago. the pulsar was alos sold.


the DMM. ah yes. she was a soft mistress. however, she was a whore and i had to boot her off the board. sold her to the highest bidder (well, not really, craigslist...)


but she was MY whore. i miss her terribly. selling her was a MISTAKE.




so, um, hold on to yours...


right! okay. so, you will notice in this picture:




...two extra pedals. the bespeco volume pedal and the sd1. the sd1 was nothing to scream about (haha GET IT?!?! cuz the sd1 is a tubescreamer clone, and i said screamer... ah forget it. you kids...) and i found myself not using the volume pedal EVER. it was, however, a sweet pedal and if i needed another volume pedal, id pick one up in a heartbeat.


the bass driver is broken, and wasnt mine. it was given to me to fix and then the guy said "nevermind". its currently on the bench in my shop holding invoices down.



ooookay, so. this is long and annoying. great. there will be more. but it wont be as annoying. im up late and i have insomnia AND i burned my tongue on a venti soy no water four pump chai latte. it was delish, but HOT. {censored} man. im going to wander into the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch. then im gonna eat it. then im gonna surf HC for a little while longer. then, i will pass out. then i will wake up at like 1 pm, check my email, go to work, and hopefully grab some pizza and beer from buffalo bill's in downtown hayward for dinner. tomorrow sounds delicious.


bye for now.

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1) so that people will confuse it with the sd1 so they cant steal my TONE (kidding. there was a piece of masking tape with settings on there, but it fell off).

2) wtf thats weird.

3) i bring those cotton balls with me wherever i go.



1) Oh.


2) I have short fingers and not a very good reach which is limiting.


3) wtf that's weird.

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im using the board you see in the third pic. thats the current lineup. i took that pic last night.


im not gigging right now (no full band) so im not too upset about not having my board completely sorted out. i am gonna be playing with a new drummer and a singer who plays rhodes piano (awesome) this week at my new house (detached garage! wahoo!!!) so we will see how that goes. i know the guys and they are pretty cool. ive just been slacking in the writing department so, im hoping the chemistry works out.


ANYWAY, im hoping to get gigging again by march at the latest (well, thats the most realistic right now) so i have plenty of time between now and then to build a new board and sort out what im going to be using for sure.


i doubt i will be seeing a DMM anytime soon, but i am going to add another to the board eventually. right now ive got three delays going, so i'll either pick one to boot when the DMM comes (im guessing the dan echo, but it might actually be the echo park, we'll see) because honestly, i will not need four delays. i just wont. three? why not.


im gonna also add another fuzz (the super fuzz clone im working on) and maybe a vibrato. im hesitant about another trem. i never used trem all that much but i love it, and my vox has built in trem (which i LOVE, IT SOUNDS SO GREAT) so i may not even bother with that.


i think the real work will be getting the board built the the right specs to be versatile enough, and im playing around with the idea of grabbing a PP2 or something (pedal power). those are effing expensive though. then theres the roadcase im gonna have to get...


man, if im gonna be touring/gigging next summer (hell yes) im gonna need to plan this out well and get it sorted before march. i was thinking about getting that new skb stage 55 whatever pedal board (it looks sweet) but the DIY bug has bit me ever since i stated the super fuzz project (and working on your classic metal rehouse. ALMOST DONE) so i think i would have more fun building my own board.


i hope that sprawling explanation answers your question. what was it again...?

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By the way, I got my DE-7 before you.



{censored} THAT MADISON. how is that a fail? imade complex music out of punching a cat. YOU TRY THAT.



and whatever, i had a DE7 like 2 years ago. i win, you got pwnd, suck it or im never giving you your pedals back haha.


oh yeah, still no word on that boss switch, but you can come get your ts9 and fz3 anytime, hobo.

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