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Ok I may look like an idiot after this but, I'm willing to take that risk. Here goes.

My set-up.


Fernandez Vertigo>Wylde OD>Boss Noise Suppresor>Boss Tu-2> Mesa F-100 w/ Marshall 4x12.


I'm pretty sure that the pedals should be completely switched around right?

I'm getting the most disgusting feedback. I need to know if I've got the Overdrive in the wrong spot or if there's something wrong with the pedal.

Please don't judge me. I've just started getting into using effects..........

Help me someone!


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Put the tuner first, so it gets a nice clean signal, and you can mute your signal while you're tuning. I don't think your pedal order is the problem though.

What kind of feedback are you getting? Is it "normal" feedback that corresponds to the pitch of the note on your guitar- octave above, fifth or whatever- or is it very high pitched etc.?

If it's "normal" feedback, and it's not a matter of your string muting technique (muting the strings will stop this sort of feedback, so if you're not doing it properly, that might be the cause of your problem), you might just need to use less gain and volume. You never need as much gain as you think you do, so try turning it down. This sort of feedback is also affected by where you stand in relation to your amp, so experiment with that too.

If it's very high pitched, it may be microphonic feedback from your pickups- if some part of the wire winding is loose, it can vibrate and cause this sort of noise. You might be able to get your pickups wax potted, or consider replacing them.

Is the feedback affected by whether any of your pedals are on or off? If it's linked to a particular one, it's possible that it's because it's faulty. If it's the overdrive that causes the feedback, remember that it still might be excessive gain rather than a fault, so turn down first.

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Doesn't the noise supressor have a loop on it? If so I'd go Tuner, noise reduction with the od in the loop, amp. That way the noise 'gate' will be dictated by the noise from your guitar, but will function after the OD.


There's every chance you're just using way too much gain, pedal and amp.

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I've got the gain on both at around noon. It's a good possibility. The pickup really hasn't been giving me many problems. The feedback was present when I had that pedal config. and the OD on. I'm going to try all these solutions to see what the problem is.
The Noise gate does not have a loop.

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