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How does a Fender BDR take dirt?


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So... I, like so many others, am weighing the options between a Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue and a Peavey Classic 30.


From what I understand, the Fender is great for cleans, but the OD sucks mostly.


The Peavey on the other hand sounds pretty good on both sides of the fence.


I usually run dirt from my pedalboard, so which would be the better amp? They don't call it Fender Clean for no reason ... but how does it take dirt?

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Just FYI, the Hot Rod and Blues Deluxe amps aren't exactly classic fender. They sound good, but not the same as something like a SF Deluxe at all. That said, I'd go with the BDR. I think the cleans are way, way better than the cleans on the Peavey. I never use amp dirt channels. Never met one I really liked.

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:confused: the reissue twin reverb disappointed me to no end... but maybe that 1x15" version is better :confused:

what about the peavey delta blues? have you tried that one?

I do know that reissue deluxe reverb + rat reissue + casino reissue = me playing 1 hour as teh rev. Horton Heat in a music store's 'testing room' a few year ago... very fun :)
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I have the original issue Blues Deluxe and I really enjoy the sound I get with my Big Muff through it. I switch to my little 59er neck pickup and turn the bass up and I can get some awesome, almost synth sounds.

The clean is great on my amp, but I have yet to try the reissue. I actually prefer it to the Hot Rods and the Deluxe Reverb. I just enjoy the clean tone so much more that the other two Fender Amps.

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Hmm... I've got to off my current amp before I can move in on one of these. I just put it up on a few places this week, so if I don't see any action in the next couple weeks, it'll go to eBay.


The Crate VFX line is real good--all tube + digital FX ... it's just too big for me. Newlyweds, small apartments, quiet communities and loud amps don't mix too well.


I had a mesa halfstack about a month ago it SUCKED at low volume... the Crate is pretty good, but how do these Fender 1x12's do a low levels?

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Hey, smrz. How are you liking the Leadfoot Distortion ++?



It's pretty cool. Very nice, sort of trashy sounds, and a lot more volume available than stock. I wish the knobs had more even travel throughout their range, though. It's one of two dirt pedals I'm using right now, and they're both really bright, so I might have to pick between them at some point.

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