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New Amp Day!


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So yeah. I went to easy music center with $1000 cash looking to get a twin reverb, but the bastards there wouldn't budge on $1175 out the door, so I picked up the Reverb Deluxe.


It's not loud enough! I wish it was going to be louder, but I only get mild complaints when it's cranked at 10! I might need to return it and sell some books or something to get the twin. Hopefully make up $175 before the break ends.



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I was playing my old 70's deluxe reverb today through a 4x12 cab with various weber speakers. I was really surprised how quiet it was even cranked to 10. I think I'm just a volume junky, gimme an inch and I'll take a mile. Someday I'll have a 120 watt stack and then maybe I'll have enough. Definitely helps to have a large room!

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