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OT: RHCP - Under the Bridge on SNL


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haha, for those that have read Scar Tissue this story was in it.


Basically, they took a break from their European tour to do SNL and from the time they got there John kept getting in fights with their sound guy. He was pissed off when they went on stage for this song and was basically rewriting it as they were playing it.


Anthony in the book says, "...because he started playing some {censored} I'd never heard before. I had no idea what song he was playing or what key he was in. He looked like he was in a different world."


When John started yelling at the end I start laughing so hard. I actually like the new intro though.



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Scar Tissue was a great read, in my opinion. Say what you will about him deciding to {censored} up the song, that band has a long and interesting history



I thought it was interesting too.


I like the RHCP, early work all the way to Stadium.

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I thought it was interesting too.

I like the RHCP, early work all the way to Stadium.



BSSM is one of my all-time favorite albums, and some of the songs you don't think of too (soul to squeeze, some of the random b-sides off of by the way, etc)


Stadium has some good tracks but sometimes I miss the old style of funk, which they don't ever really come back to, except a little bit in turn it again.

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I'm skeptical...seems more like he's just wasted and {censored}ing it up to me...of course, it's no secret that he was pretty {censored}ed up at one time, so I'm not sure why they'd come up with the "deciding to play it wrong" cover story. Who knows...not the best performance, though.


It's not really like he's just {censored}ing it up, it's more like he's experimenting with some of the stuff. It's not like he's playing gibberish or can barely play.

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i don't know, there's a lot of really horrible elemental timing {censored}ups. that was complete garbage IMO, but at least nice to hear something different than the studio version. i've seen terrible two bit cover bands put that performance to shame. i can't believe there was that thread a few weeks ago about them being the best band of the last 15 years :rolleyes:

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It's not really like he's just {censored}ing it up, it's more like he's experimenting with some of the stuff. It's not like he's playing gibberish or can barely play.



dude, frusciante goes into the outro right after the first chorus, and then realizes he {censored}ed up and catches up with the band, and you think that was an experiment?

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It's not really like he's just {censored}ing it up, it's more like he's experimenting with some of the stuff. It's not like he's playing gibberish or can barely play.


It seems like that in a couple places, but he completely missed the chord changes a couple of times.


I've "experimented" on stage before while I was wasted, too.:lol:

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dude, frusciante goes into the outro right after the first chorus, and then realizes he {censored}ed up and catches up with the band, and you think that was an experiment?



didn't catch that until you pointed it out.


And you can tell he's {censored}ing around. There's lot of {censored} in there he never plays. Like Anthony said, "he was in a different world"

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It seems like that in a couple places, but he completely missed the chord changes a couple of times.

I've "experimented" on stage before while I was wasted, too.


I don't think it was just a cover story and I don't think John was thinking, "Let's {censored} this up on national TV". idk. It's on page 290-291 of Scar Tissue if you want to read it or see it somewhere. Anthony said he had heard John was on Heroin during it. lol


I just like how he kicks in the distortion at the end too. lol I do that too but I don't think the people I play with like it when the OCD and phaser turns on in the middle of Flake.

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Wow, what a mess.

I remember the other song they played that night......Kiedis was jumping around like a fool and knocked John's mic stand right into his face while he was singing.............payback???



yeah i saw that too, but didnt they play Stone Cold Bush first? I'm not sure, but yeah that is one of my favorite versions of UTB...At the end it looks like Anthony is giving John the stare of death.

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You have to understand the context of that performance more completely. Before Hillel Slovak died he had asked John at an early RHCP show "would you still like us even if we played the L.A. Forum?", and John replied back to him "No, it would ruin the whole thing". John loved the Peppers because he felt they were the best undiscovered thing that the mainstream hadn't got around to {censored}ing up basically. When BloodSugarSexMagik, and in particular Under The Bridge became a huge hit he was bothered by what he had told Hillel before his death. He had severe mixed emotions from the fame and the reasons why he loved and then joined the band in the first place to what was happening to it since he had joined.

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You have to understand the context of that performance more completely. Before Hillel Slovak died he had asked John at an early RHCP show "would you still like us even if we played the L.A. Forum?", and John replied back to him "No, it would ruin the whole thing". John loved the Peppers because he felt they were the best undiscovered thing that the mainstream hadn't got around to {censored}ing up basically. When BloodSugarSexMagik, and in particular Under The Bridge became a huge hit he was bothered by what he had told Hillel before his death. He had severe mixed emotions from the fame and the reasons why he loved and then joined the band in the first place to what was happening to it since he had joined.



we have a winner

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