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Battle of the Bands help needed!!!

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So this Saturday, my band is set to play in a battle of the bands... Each band gets 5 minutes to set up and 20 to play... because of the short set up time, all bands must use the amps provided... My guitarist and I both use Fenders, (A Deville and A Twin Reverb, respectively) but are going to have to use Marshall JCM 900s... I know nothing about this amp, nor do i know anyone with one to get aquainted with... I plan on using my pedals for everything i normally do, but i was wondering if you had any suggestions for getting a good clean, fender-esque sound out of it... :confused::freak::confused:

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So this Saturday, my band is set to play in a battle of the bands... Each band gets 5 minutes to set up and 20 to play... because of the short set up time, all bands must use the amps provided... My guitarist and I both use Fenders, (A Deville and A Twin Reverb, respectively) but are going to have to use Marshall JCM 900s... I know nothing about this amp, nor do i know anyone with one to get aquainted with... I plan on using my pedals for everything i normally do, but i was wondering if you had any suggestions for getting a good clean, fender-esque sound out of it...

There were A LOT of different JCM900's, but fortunately, all but one model had a clean channel. So, chances are, you'll at least have something to work with, but forcing a guitar player to use a completely different style amp is pretty lame.

I mean, sharing bass amps and even drums (to an extent) is somewhat reasonable, but forcing a guitar player to go from a Twin Reverb to a JCM900 is putting him at a disadvantage. I'd insist on being able to use my amp or adequate time to adjust my pedalboard to something usable.

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Believe me no one cares what your tone is like at those sort of competitions, as long as you have good clean and overdrive/dist levels and your band is tight you'll go well.

I remember plugging my DM-4 straight into a TSL100 at a high school battle here, sounded AWFUL.. but no one there knew the difference (not even the judges) and we still managed to come 1st and win a basic protools kit. :)

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