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Distortion/Overdrive for open chords?


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I have an epiphone les paul standard, and I'm lookin for a pedal that would give a nice sound for open chords, ala pearl jam, blind melon, etc. I'm starting a cover band and the Boss DS-1 has a good lead tone, and is good for power chords, but not really for open chords. I was thinking about a Boss OD-3, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!

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Spend a little more and get a Fulltone OCD, you might pick one up 2nd hand for a decent price on eBay. Everyone around here loves them and it's easy to see why; very musical overdrive, lets your amp shine through and you can hear each note ringing clearly, not mushing up.

Alternatively, Voodoo Labs Sparkledrive may be another option. Play them both and choose.

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Cool, thanks! I heard the Ibanez Tubescreamer is good for an epi, but I've never heard one first hand. I'll have a look for a OCD. I have a Fender Frontman 212R amp, the clean tone is nice, but the amp distortion is absolutely disgusting! Very noisy and muddy, so it has to be a stompbox really.

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