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The Officially Official Deluxe Memory Man Thread

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I'm in, I've had one for a while but it's only since I bought a Fender Deluxe Reverb Reissue amp that I truly got into this pedal, I think you need the clarity you get with a good clean amp to get the best out of it.

I disagree. It is a thing of beauty through a clean amp, but the most epic DMM album was recorded with a DMM into a cranked AC30:

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any idea who this dmm may have been modded by?
the year it was made?

things to note:
- my 'level' knob does nothing
- green leds
- 2 pronged power cord (no ground)
- extra led on the top left corner (red) lights up when the pedal is engaged (tb mod?)


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any idea who this dmm may have been modded by?

the year it was made?

things to note:

- my 'level' knob does nothing

- green leds

- 2 pronged power cord (no ground)

- extra led on the top left corner (red) lights up when the pedal is engaged (tb mod?)


gut shots!

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Oh YESSS I love this thread! Finally recognition for one of the best analog delays ever made. I'm actually kind of lucky and if anyone read the thread that I posted a month ago about how I got two DMM's:thu:for the price of one,then would know that I am a very lucky guy. So basically what I do is put one DMM in these settings:


Blend: 11 o clock

Feedback: Almost at oscillation

Delay Time: Max

Chorus Mod: 7 o clock


And then my other DMM is at these settings:


Blend:10 o clock

Feedback: Almost at oscillation

Delay Time: a little less than 12 o clock

Vibrato Mod: 10 o clock


And I just put that in clean and it just sounds so dreaaammyyyy I also play those settings with my 535Q Crybaby and that is just too much to handle. And distortion sounds way tooo beautiful, I mean never in my life have I heard sweeter notes.


Something I do for fun is that I play with distortion with the DMM at high feedback so you get a lot of repeats and what I do is play a lot of crap or a fast solo part and quickly switch to clean...:eek:you got to try it...

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am i crazy for not ever using the modulation on this baby:confused: ive not found an app for it yet:freak:



its cool to set a rahter long delay and add just a little bit of vibrato. makes a warbly tone. but its really warm and deep so it works.

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perfect...now when mmmmchina posts his we can compare

i'll take some of mine too.

wait. that can't be very vintage, and if it is it has been modded. blue switch.




Yes it is, pots are 1981 I think. I modded it myself, for true bypass/LED. I also changed all the dual op-amps to TL072's and changed the input resistor to 470K. It sounds much better with these mods.

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