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Behringer 'Phase 90 Clone' now in stores in UK / Euro

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I saw him support BB King once and it was ludicrously bad. It was in Wembley Arena and he had a {censored}load of reverb on his amps and the gain turned up to about 15. BB was great though, as much as I'm not into blues.

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I don't wanna get off topic but I was a Gary Moore gig a few years ago and got to meet him and he was a cock. I said to him something like "Hi Gary, I came over from Belfast to see you here," and he said "oh, good for you" and walked off. I didn't want a special medal or anything but I was trying to strike up a conversation with him or something, mang.



Hahah...that's actually pretty funny. What a tool, but what a thing to say..."oh, good for you"...lol.

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the only Gary moore story I have:

Does anyone remember that 'rock school' programme (BBC I think late 80's)

well they had Gary moore on there demonstrating guitar effects, he had a row of Boss pedals and a strat. So anyway he goes 'this is distortion' (steps on a ds-1) 'fizz fizz' ........ this is chorus 'shimmer shimmer' ...anyway I've got to this point in the story and realised that it is useless without a video clip, because it was the faces he was pulling that made it funny...:freak: he couldn't leave his whammy bar only either..:lol:

Better scan you tube for this classic TV moment.:)

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i have the ph9 and i'm not really blown away by it. i wish it had more wetness available because there's a lot of dry signal coming through even when cranked. It sounds good just not deep enough i guess. I just got the vintage phase as well so i'm hoping that it's a bit better.

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