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Pedals you love but can't find a home for on your board.


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I have been working on a larger pedalboard for quite sometime now and last night I got all the pedals on there that I think will work well together and give me the best tones. The wiring isn't complete yet but once it is I will post the new pics. While setting this up I had to make some tough choices on what stays and what goes. I ended up leaving some very nice pedals off (for now). Got me thinking of how many great pedals are out there sitting in the "on deck" position waiting for a chance at the pedalboard big leagues.


Here is what got left behind (for now).

Skreddy Mayo, Monsterpiece Classic / NPN, Fulltone OCD v1, Zvex Seek Trem, Home Brew Psilocybe, Mid-Fi Pitch Pirate, and my EB Volume pedal.

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I have been working on a larger pedalboard for quite sometime now and last night I got all the pedals on there that I think will work well together and give me the best tones. The wiring isn't complete yet but once it is I will post the new pics. While setting this up I had to make some tough choices on what stays and what goes. I ended up leaving some very nice pedals off (for now). Got me thinking of how many great pedals are out there sitting in the "on deck" position waiting for a chance at the pedalboard big leagues.

Here is what got left behind (for now).

Skreddy Mayo, Monsterpiece Classic / NPN, Fulltone OCD v1, Zvex Seek Trem, Home Brew Psilocybe, Mid-Fi Pitch Pirate, and my EB Volume pedal.



there's some strong pedals there. I'd like to know what knocked them off

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Yes, a volume pedal. No room for a pedal that large. The big box EHX pedals. I have a big box Pulsar trem that works and sounds greate but takes up the space of 2-3 regular sized pedals. I will eventually get smaller alternatives like a semaphore and Devi's peep for a volume pedal.

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there's some strong pedals there. I'd like to know what knocked them off



Well I would love to have them all on there but I am already at 14 pedals so if anything I would like to get it even smaller. I cut the dirt section down the most. I have a Freakshow Brown Rabbit but the OCD may go back on in its place. The Mosnsterpiece is one I would love to get back on there but room is limited tight now and I have a Fuzz Factory on board right now. Its killing me the Mayo isn't on as well but that's a lot of fuzz for one board. I actually use the FF for a lot right now so that's why it is staying. I have a Reverberator on now as well but the psilocybe may take its place? Basically I am playing the pedals I have chosen for now. After a few gigs I will know what I use more and then I can switch some others out and see what happens.

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i kicked off my modded sd-1 and crybaby. I just cant find a use for the sd-1 anymore as other pedals have take over its uses. The crybaby i love with no dirt. But I play with dirt a lot and it just sounds like crap to me with dirt.


crxsh how do you like the FX-17? i hear it sounds decent with dirt

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I would be sad about a few of those too!



Sometimes it is like a fukking curse! You have this sweet pedals but no space on your board! you dont use them but you also cant sell them! So what to do with this sweet pedals lying around?!?!

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I wouldn't say I love the E-H Holy Stain, but I was overall pleased with the reverb and tremolo functions. (It colored your tone a bit much--no matter how clean you set the Holy Stain, it changes/colors your tone.)
But overall, I dug the trem and reverb.

But for the life of me, I couldn't find a place on my board for it. Because of the reverb, I'd want it last--after my delay/looper. Because of the tremolo, I'd want it before my delay/looper. If I were to use the distortion or fuzz, which I probably wouldn't, I'd want it before my delay.

No matter where you put it, you disable some of its features.

I can only see it as a studio tool or as something to use in a pinch in place of your normal pedalboard.

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-Tonefactor Analogue Fiter
-4ms Tremulus Lupo
-Lovepedal Wah/Fuzz/Oscillation thing

-BBE opto comp
-Lovepedal clean boost

couldn't care less:
-broken FXDoctor 8bit fuzz
-green russian muff
-keeley classic comp

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Q-Tron - huge

Blue Box - too quiet, too weird

Yamaha Flanger - It's a flange

DS-1 - It comes and goes

GT-8 - It's huge and is a great backup.



My Blue Box comes and goes ... I really like it but the volume drop is bad. Right now it's on the board but I have to do some creative volume control to use it in a song. It's sick though.

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Sometimes it is like a fukking curse! You have this sweet pedals but no space on your board! you dont use them but you also cant sell them! So what to do with this sweet pedals lying around?!?!



I hear you there! I have a few that "hang" around on the outside when I noodle at home but they don't make it to gigs... makes me sad indeed!

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I hear you there! I have a few that "hang" around on the outside when I noodle at home but they don't make it to gigs... makes me sad indeed!



I have the most of my pedals for noodleing at home or studio! because i really dont want to take them with me on a 3 weektour and throw them in and out a car and on/off stage every night...

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I have to leave all of my EHX pedals at home, because they just break to easy and are to finicky. The bypass switch on my 1978 Big Muff Pi is currently not working (Have to use by itself). I just won't take my 1980 Electric Mistress Deluxe anywhere, because I've had to pay to fix the sweep twice now. $35 just to have a tech look at it. Pro Co RAT, MXR Phase 90, Fulltone OCD, Boss pedals etc...can take a beating and keep on working.

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