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Fuzz/Distortion Pedal with Oscillation

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I've been looking for some pedals that offer that sweet oscillation, and the ones I've found so far are ZVex Fuzz Factory, Catalinbread Teaser Stallion, and Devi Ever Disaster Fuzz. So I was wondering if there were others out there, that were possibly cheaper. Thanks in return.

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Yeah, I was looking on eBay and I didn't see one, and was surprised. I might have to do some searching for it.


I also looked at the V8 which looks nice, but for about 30-40 dollars more I could have the Teaser Stallion, but that's still too much. The Disaster Fuzz looked real promising but didn't have an extremely deep fuzz kind of like the Vintage Fuzz Master (which sounds amazing), or maybe I just didn't hear all the clips of it.....

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Disaster Fuzz is only $95. :poke:

I remember when your pedals were $55. Every so often they seem to go up $10. I am in no way complaining, they are worth $95 without a doubt, I just hope a year or 2 from now they are not pushing $150.:eek:

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Thanks for all your input guys. I think I will probably just save up for a Teaser Stallion, and that should hold me for along time with my Big Muff, as it has some distortion and overdrive like sounds plus the oscillation. But if I find some money somewhere and I'm craving that real fuzzy tone, I'll go straight to Devi Ever. Thanks again!

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i recently got a FF and the oscillation tends to occur at its own pitch regardless of what the last note you played was. you can change it by tweaking the knobs, but it'd be a lot more usable it would respond more accurately to the guitar. then again, i haven't played much with it yet

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