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Just bought a Boss NS-2 noise suppressor - my opinion:

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The setup:


USA 1952 Telecaster Reissue


7 assorted pedals


Fender Deluxe Reverb Reissue



The problem:


Everytime I added even mild overdrive there was a incredible amount of noise/hum. Has to be dealt with somehow as I have a gig soon.



The clause:


- Will not give up single coils


The solutions:

- Shielding tape/paint etc (do not believe this will work, messy)

- New guitar (too expensive)

- Lose the pedals (:mad:)

- Upgrade cables etc to top shelf stuff (:rolleyes:)

- Buy a noise suppressor pedal :idea: (but does it kill the tone???)



The decision:


- Noise suppressor!


The guy in the music shop at first tried to sell me the Decimator. There was no way I was gonna fork out hundreds of bucks. He sensed that finally and then spent ten minutes telling me how such pedals are tone suckers anyway, and are terrible things. I should buy a $500 Voodoo something or other, he told me.


In the end, after having read the rave reviews on HC User Reviews, I almost had to force him to sell me the Boss NS-2 ($99). He did this whole *shakes head in mock sadness* routine as I left.


Got home, eagerly plugged it up, and-


The result:




Works unbelievably well. It has single-handledy solved all my problems.


To be clear, it does not take away 100% of the noise. Maybe 85%. You can turn the threshold up and it does get rid of all the noise, but you also lose volumn when you turn it right up. I have it at noon at it is sweet. Actually I am going to have to get used to how quiet my rig is. It is even a bit creepy how quiet it is now!


Best of all - and I do not say this lightly - I can not detect any difference in tone when I turn th NS-2 on and off. I even turned around and had my brother turn it off and on and I could not tell which was which.




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i've used both the ns-2 and isp decimator , and the results for me were a tone / sound that was to processed , opines huh



I've listened long and hard and all I can detect is a possible slight compression of the higher end. It is so hard to notice im not sure im not making it up though.


Im interested what you mean by 'processed'....like a digitally type sound? I'm gonna try and listen out for it.

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I like mine! How do you have your's wired up there?

I don't run anything through the loop of it, just in the input and out the output.



I just followed the instructions in the manual, which were:


1. Guitar into NS-2

2. NS-2 SEND into pedals

3. Cable out of last pedal back into NS-2 RETURN

4. NS-2 OUT to AMP


Did you try doing it that way? Everything I read on the Reviews section recommended using the SEND/RETURN rather that the way you do it, but I'll definitely give your way a try now if you think it's better!


I'm also curious to know if I'll get even less noise if I run all the other pedals through the DC OUT thingo on the back of the NS-2, rather than off an external daisy chain (inbuilt in the pedal case)....

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pretty much , the noise suppresor's i've used in the past seem to add a sheen on top of the tone / amplified sound that i just can't jive w / dig




You could be right. Perhaps cause i have a super-bright guitar into a super-bright amp, i just can't notice it. Like putting an extra shot of vodka in a long island ice tea...

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