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Pedal to improve lead tone on Laney GH50L


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I just want something that will add a touch of warmth and give great sustain for lead work.


I don't get to really crank this amp as much as I like as its so loud so my current lead tone is a bit lack lusture.


There are so many frigging choices, any opinions to help point me in the right direction would be great.

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Seymour Duncan Twin Tube Classic...

Lead tones are BAD!!!!!!!! Singing sustain and great control of gain/volume/EQ.

I just play rhythm or I'd keep mine.

Wanna buy?



MMMM, tempting. I am however in Australia.

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OCD is too bright in front of the Laney, I thought. I had a Sparkle Drive, and it worked very well.




Thanks Rummy, you advice is appreciated, espically being a fellow GH50L user.


Anyone had any experience with the Burriss Boostiest pedal?

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seeing you're in this part of the world, the hotcake is a great pedal.. goes from clean boost to very string-clear OD/dist... you've got MI Audio pedals manufactured in australia as well... check them out.. i've used the blue boy deluxe, which is essentially a TS close; didn't quite like that one... the Tube Zone (which i still have and quite like) is a great metal pedal, mesa-ish some say... lots will rave re: the crunch box surely.

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I did grab myself a Barber Tone Pump EQ this morning as it was a good deal.


I'll probably just use this with my Standard Strat for bluesy type stuff.


Never heard the pedal before but it does get good reviews.


Might look into the attenuator a bit more for the other.

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