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Treble Bleed for my Sheraton

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first off, talk about a pain in the ass. semi hollows are not easy to work on. i did the whole guide string tied around the pot shaft deal and it was still insane.


after much cursing, i got it done.


i installed a 0.001uF cap on the bridge and neck volume pots of my sheraton II and WOW it made a big difference.


i mean, i knew it would, and it did exactly what i thought and hoped it would to.


now the volume pots are more usable and the tone is a lot better. i can now use the middle position and blend the pickups to taste perfectly.


very cool.

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Im thinking of getting a Black Sheraton as my next guitar...or i could wait longer and get a Rickenbacker 330:D



dude, the sheraton is so money, and the neck is fantastic. if your first instinct was sheraton, GET A SHERATON.

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Yeah, i {censored}ing hate working on hollowbodies!! Ive had to rewire my Artcore like 3 times and it didnt get any easier.. I finally said {censored} it and put in a single Duncan HB and a single vol knob and called it a day.. Sounds awesome, its kinda my beater guitar now..


Bigsby's kick arse!

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bigsbys are rad. hard to say if i'll ever own a bigsby guitar though.


im gonna be putting these in my sheraton soon:






...and im for sure looking forward to that mess of a job.


FORTUNATELY, epiphone has these plastic connectors between the pickups and the rest of the wiring harness, so im guessing i'll use those to my advantage.

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How did you manage to get your hands in there? Is there an opening anywhere?



it was rough.


i had to pull the entire wiring harness out through the f-hole, pots, switch and all.


i used single conductor wire and twisted them around my pot shafts so that when i pulled the pots out, there was wire leading them bak into the holes they came from, that way when i had to put the harness back in and attach the pots, i just pulled them through the holes by the wire. it worked, but it wasnt as easy as it sounds. there was much cursing.


i thought that maybe there was a hole big enough under the bridge pickup so i pulled that out, but nope. it was all f-hole action.

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The term "f hole" has a double meaning. On the one hand, it resembles the old English letter "f". On the other hand, when you're working inside that f*&^%$#@! cavity every f@#$%^&* other word out of your f*&^%$#@! mouth begins with f*&^%$%^&* F!

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so true.


you would know, too. you were in your office while i was doing it.


"{censored}! WHAT THE {censored} WHY DID THEY DESIGN THIS LIKE THIS! WHY IS THIS SO HARD! OUCH! i stabbed myself! dammit! what were these people thinking!!! why isnt this soldered?!!??!"


haha. good times.

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Hahah.. Yeah, that fucking fuck hole :mad:


The term "f hole" has a double meaning. On the one hand, it resembles the old English letter "f". On the other hand, when you're working inside that f*&^%$#@! cavity every f@#$%^&* other word out of your f*&^%$#@! mouth begins with f*&^%$%^&*

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