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Yep thats right....new amPlug day :cool:




Unfortunately I damaged my thumb yesterday playing golf, so I was only able to play for about half an hour, but what an enjoyable half hour it was. Within about a minute with the amPlug and my Ric copy I was getting pure Beatles and Stones sounds, and it took very little tweaking to get it sounding like how I use my own AC30. Its definitely way better than the Vox sim on my V-Amp2, and from what I remember better than the Vox sims on the Pod.

It's gonna be a valuable tool for the many disrupted nights sleep I get, and I wouldn't be surprised it it sounded good DI'd into my 8 track. :thu:

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Cool. I want the Classic Rock model.

You must be quite the golfer.

I'm not bad with the irons, my drivings getting better, but my putting is awful :) A blister burst on my left thumb at the 15th yesterday, and left me more or less unable to grip the club properly. Ruined whatever slight chance of posting a score good enough to win. Plus it was probably the hottest day of the year so far in Northern Ireland and I got bloody roasted :mad:

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Do you play using a golf glove? Must be a hell of tight left hand grip for you to get blistered there. I always used to get blisters on the middle and ring figners of the left hand when I played a lot.

It's cool to see that Ric clone getting plenty of use. You seem pretty happy with it. That in turn makes me happy :D

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Do you play using a golf glove? Must be a hell of tight left hand grip for you to get blistered there. I always used to get blisters on the middle and ring figners of the left hand when I played a lot.

It's cool to see that Ric clone getting plenty of use. You seem pretty happy with it. That in turn makes me happy

Na, I've never played with a glove, mostly because at the crap level that I and the people I play with or at, I think it make you look like a pretentious prick :) I'm gonna have to start though. My grip is not really all that tight, but I've had problems with my hands for the last couple of years after coming down with a skin condition (Ichthyosis).

Yep, the Ric Clone is great, apart from giving me Gas for a real one :mad: That will have to wait a few years though. I can't help but think that I got the best of our deal ;)

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Na, I've never played with a glove, mostly because at the crap level that I and the people I play with or at, I think it make you look like a pretentious prick

Pretentiosu wearing a glove?!? In a game that lets professional grown men wear clothes such as these?!?




Take the glove. You'll be thankful for it :)

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Jesus, the entire game of golf is pretentious! In fact, if just one more golfer uses so much as a glove, I dread to think of the consequences.


But remember I play with one Paul O'Reiley. Can you imagine the {censored} he'd give me if I turned up wearing a glove :mad:

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But remember I play with one Paul O'Reiley. Can you imagine the {censored} he'd give me if I turned up wearing a glove

Oh {censored}, you should have said. Don't listen to HFD then, he can't possibly understand the pressure you're under.

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