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Robot Factory PhoTron Filter (ms-clone+)


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so here's my review for what I believe is the best absolute best filter pedal you can buy right now.

Product: Robot Factory PhoTron Filter

Price Paid: UNKNOWN

Submitted 06/16/2008 at 03:03am by paul lai

Email: jeanlovesenoyahoo dot com


Ease of Use : 7

Let me preface this by saying there's no such thing as a great and flexible filter that is easy to use, if you just want auto wah then sure it's cake but if you're looking for new sounds or a way to make the filter do what you want , easy is not the way. it's easily the most flexible filter available ever for under $1000.


Sound Quality : 10

The sound quality is second to none!!! I've owned and used everything from Mutron 3's, to the dod "radiohead", the korg x911, the korg/univox glide filter, the electrix filter queen and factory, all the boss stuff, the frostwave funk a duck and resonator ( this is like a combo of these 2 plus much more)the Lovetone Meatball, the Modmax filter, that shark thing that does stereo filtering, really more than 30 filter pedals in my life and this is the KING!!!

It's starts as a clone of the MS-20 both the lp and the hp +bp!! And it has envelope which is great and it has an lfo which is footswitchable. Plus a feature that I specifically asked for, which is called a ghost wah.. it's footswitchable as well and what it does is bypass the envelope and goes to the highest freq allowed, combine this w/ the lfo you can get absolutely insane sounds that's clear and usable yet totally elastic and insect like. never heard anything like this... that's right this pedal has new sounds.. not line 6 sounds , real fat as **** analog as hell sounds that teeters between speaker ripping and liquid filtering. can I repeat .. it's the ******* KING!!


Reliability : 10

Seems very reliable, I know the maker Mario is about as nice and trustworthy a pedal maker as I've ever met. I know I can reach him at anytime and he stands behind everything he makes.


Customer Support : 10

Mario is the best, I would happily hand him my wallet to hold for an indefinite time. More than trustworthy!! an absolute pleasure to work with.


Overall Rating : 10

I love that it's incredibly flexible and the range is unmatched, it goes from audio level thru self oscillation and it rewards curiosity by not limiting what you can do. The other pedals in this discussion EH Q Tron, Frostwave funk a duck/resonator etc.. seriously can't hang w/ this beast. It's the best out there, get in line before the wait is too long.

I play fast, detailed rock music and I'm always searching for new sounds, I have a pedalboard w/ 18 or so efx and it changes all the time, this will be on my board for a long long time. If it were stolen I'd call MArio and ask for another right away. http://www.martoneaudio.com/

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I think mario is on his honeymoon? I like his meatwad pedal but I always preferred the korg ms-20 filter to the lovetone so I asked for this pedal.. And a couple of features, like the ghost wah and I wanted instant access to that ripple effect that can be hard to get at a decent volume, he delivered on all accounts!! If you like the flexibility of the meatball but found the filter lacking in depth and range and general character like I did I think you'll find this the solution. But if the meatball was too much then this is probably too much squared. Like i said in the review it goes from audio range to seriously dangerous range for all speakers but the middle is beautiful as are the other two in smaller doses. Those that have used a bunch of filters will appreciate the lack of limits but the dudes just looking for an autowah will find it too extreme.

This pedal is amazing and MArio is a guy you can totally trust and as of now he's open to suggestions, hit him up before this dude get too busy. Can't say enough good things about the pedal, and of course the pedal maker!!

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That sounds right up my alley, but I can't find it on their site.


hey dudes, marios's back from his honeymoon, hit him up now before the line gets long. If you were thinking about getting a funk a duck do yourself a favor and get this instead, it's about 5 times better and 10 times more flexible.

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