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no no trails...I don't like trails

I just want a SIMPLE delay that is true bypass...

Jesus why am I getting flamed I like TB is that sooo bad...I have a very nice buffer on my board I don't want another lesser buffer I want a truebypass pedal, christ

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no no trails...I don't like trails

I just want a SIMPLE delay that is true bypass...

Jesus why am I getting flamed I like TB is that sooo bad...I have a very nice buffer on my board I don't want another lesser buffer I want a truebypass pedal, christ


take it easy pantybunchmcgee :rolleyes:


all you had to do was answer a return questions...sheesh...


nothing jumps out, because as someone mentiobned, most players want trails, so they don't care about truebypass on delay... I am not sure if the LINE 6 DL-4 is TB, but worth a shot and in your price range


otherwise, I think the eventide or tc electronics ones that acme out recently can do both...

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Trails and true bypass have nothing to do with each other. Anyways, I don't know of any true bypass digital delays with tap tempo. How about just get something and put it in a loop?



ding ding ding


we have a winner

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