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VOX AC30 CC2 only smaller?


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sorry but a laney DOES sound totally different than a vox.


the OP didn't even say he wanted something that sounds the same, he just wanted something lighter!!!! :lol:




well I guess it was implyed but nothing else sounds like an ac30.

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the OP didn't even say he wanted something that sounds the same, he just wanted something lighter!!!!


well I guess it was implyed but nothing else sounds like an ac30.

ahh, well, if an AC15 is too heavy he should probably just buy a pod and go direct.

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The Ac15 is a heavy mofo. Its like 50 lbs. I say go to the gym because if you cant lift 50 lbs with all your might easily then o my.



wow, that's crazy. The cab must be made from MDF for that kind of weight.


I never would have guessed, that's kinda lame. I hate MDF.

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