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Boss PW-10


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Very good pedal imho.


The drives are in interesting addition but not really to the standard of any of Boss' single units imo and I don't use them.


One thing to note though : you select wah on/off with a poke of the toe end (as expected) and drive on/off with a poke of the heel end (easy enough) - BUT - even if there is no drive selected via the heel switch, if the drive pot is not set zero you get drive effect - it drove me nuts where the slight noise and gating effect was coming from until I realised - doh.


Anyway - used as a wah (or univibe) pedal it is bloody great. Personally I keep gravitating toward the "MO" model - which is a surprise as I thought I was a "CRY" or "VO" man ;) but the Morley-ish model has a more pronounced effect that I like. The settings all sound very different so I'd be amazed if it didn't make a sound you like. And even if that was the case, there's the custom setting where you specify sweep, freq etc etc etc and store it.


I'm sure more creative types would use multiple settings, but I like the fact that I could dabble with different wah types and find one I really like and stick with it.


The univibe model is good - I'm not an expert on that effect but it certainly sounds like a 'real' one to me.


Oh, and it's bomb-proof and there's no pot to get scratchy or wear out. I paid

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Very good pedal imho.

The drives are in interesting addition but not really to the standard of any of Boss' single units imo and I don't use them.

One thing to note though : you select wah on/off with a poke of the toe end (as expected) and drive on/off with a poke of the heel end (easy enough) - BUT - even if there is no drive selected via the heel switch, if the drive pot is not set zero you get drive effect - it drove me nuts where the slight noise and gating effect was coming from until I realised - doh.

Anyway - used as a wah (or univibe) pedal it is bloody great. Personally I keep gravitating toward the "MO" model - which is a surprise as I thought I was a "CRY" or "VO" man ;) but the Morley-ish model has a more pronounced effect that I like. The settings all sound very different so I'd be amazed if it didn't make a sound you like. And even if that was the case, there's the custom setting where you specify sweep, freq etc etc etc and store it.

I'm sure more creative types would use multiple settings, but I like the fact that I could dabble with different wah types and find one I really like and stick with it.

The univibe model is good - I'm not an expert on that effect but it certainly sounds like a 'real' one to me.

Oh, and it's bomb-proof and there's no pot to get scratchy or wear out. I paid
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It's not the holy grail of wah pedals, but it's quite decent - I have one and I like it. It's got a shorter pedal sweep than some wah's, which takes some getting used to. Between the various wah models and the ability to tweak the range, it's pretty easy to find at least one setting that works for you. But it's nice to have the option of having more than one, which sets it apart from other wah's.

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I hated mine. The heel and toe switches were too stiff, the distortion models were lame and only 2 modes that sounded any good to me.. the morley one and the vox one.



Hmm, this puts me off. I like the switches to be loose. I might get an auto wah pedal or something instead.

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