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my amp hates me


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I have a a 5 watt epi jr combo tube amp. It is fairly quiet when using a few effects, but when I use two multieffects processors and a few modulation pedals at the same time, the hum drives me crazy. It seems I can make it go away by turning the levels down and compressor off, but that kills the sound I was getting.


Would switching to a solid state amp help at all? I don't use any distortion at all, it's just multiple reverbs, delays, and choruses. I found THE sound I was looking for, but I can't live with this hum!


I've seen a few noise reducer pedals on the market, are they good for this kind of thing?



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Modulation can be a little noisy, probably more so when using a few together. That's a pretty weird problem. I have the same amp, and I never have problems with excess/too much hum.

Could you tell us your current set-up. All the guitar(s), pedals, cables, and power supplies used?

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Are you playing with single coals, cause any compression would make the hum be louder, and if you compress it 2 times with 2 different pedals you might have some annoying sounds.



I second this.

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