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OT-PETA urges use of human milk


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oh open your mind. you dont find it even the slightest bit weird that we drink liquid that comes out of a stupid creature who walks knee high in its own {censored} all day? what sick bastard declared cows milk
milk anyway. was there a trial and error process with every other animal that can lactate till they found just the right taste? pepsi challenge?





This man is right. On top of this, our digestive systems are not designed to digest all these different types of milk - really we're the only animals that drink milk all our lives, all others cease after infancy. Arguably, this is the most "healthy" thing to do because milk has growth hormones which tend to confuse an already grown body. I wish more attention was paid to this...for instance this move seems a bit drastic on PETA's part when they haven't even released much of any research on the different effects of cow's milk versus human milk on our bodies, much less the more important question in my mind: should adults be drinking milk at all?


All this in mind, I do still drink milk just about every day, but I try to make sure it's organic skim. Studies have shown that this kind releases essentially zero of those unwanted growth hormones. But I do end up drinking "regular" milk from time to time (not breast milk, because that goes against a social folkway), but hey, everything in moderation I guess.

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This man is right. On top of this, our digestive systems are not designed to digest all these different types of milk - really we're the only animals that drink milk all our lives, all others cease after infancy. Arguably, this is the most "healthy" thing to do because milk has growth hormones which tend to confuse an already grown body. I wish more attention was paid to this...for instance this move seems a bit drastic on PETA's part when they haven't even released much of any research on the different effects of cow's milk versus human milk on our bodies, much less the more important question in my mind: should adults be drinking milk at all?

All this in mind, I do still drink milk just about every day, but I try to make sure it's organic skim. Studies have shown that this kind releases essentially zero of those unwanted growth hormones. But I do end up drinking "regular" milk from time to time (not breast milk, because that goes against a social folkway), but hey, everything in moderation I guess.



as a side note I read that goat's milk is easier for us to digest than cows milk......but I don't know the facts about that.

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we can control what our dairy cows eat. (not we, meaning me... farmers though) if i don't want anything to do with my wife's breast milk, then why would i want milk from junkies in vermont that found out they can score 20 bucks for squeezing 5 oz's out.


20 bucks'll buy some crack.

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Do you eat turkey or tofu burgers as well?

i've had them before. i'm on a falafel binge right now though. i live near a co-op so buying organic and natural food is pretty easy for me. i know that's not the case for everyone though. it also can get expensive depending on what you buy. every sunday there's a farmer's market that sells their food in the parking lot of the co-op.

if you like chocolate milk, try chocolate hemp milk or chocolate soy milk. silk soy milk is the tastiest of all the soy milks i've had. living harvest makes the best hemp milk and overall best tasting milk i've ever had.

i should say i'm not a healthy vegetarian at all. i can't stop eating pizza :facepalm:

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yaa... soy milk is gross as hell to me. Hemp milk never tired but whatever.


I drink it because its at my school and its tasty. Then again i grew up drinking whole milk. So thick creamy milk is the best to me at least.


As for vegetarians, most of them arent healthy due to they dont understand how to do it properly. I hate vegs and i love steak and ribs too much to stop eating meat.

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dammit, this thread is about drinking human milk, now cows, not vegans or liquid soy {censored} or any of that nonsense.

All I can say is don't knock it till ya try it!



I thought it was about PETA making themselves look ridiculous by making a ludicrous suggestion?

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My parents antique shop's best business comes from dairy farmers. They are really nice people and they absolutely adore their cows.

Drink more milk.



If your main source of income was from those cows, you better adore them!


The fact remains though, you can get all your nutrients from substitutes and avoid drinking milk. America is the most obese nation in the world. We also drink the most milk and eat the most meat. The food and energy used to keep these factory farms running is staggering. It takes 12 million metric tons to feed and raise 3 million metric tons of edible beef. If you took that same fuel and fed it to human bellies you could feed 4 times the people (cows have 4 stomachs and can way over 1000 lbs before the age of 2). I haven't even mentioned the horrible condition these cows live in and the unnatural amounts of milk they are forced to pump out.

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dammit, this thread is about drinking human milk, now cows, not vegans or liquid soy {censored} or any of that nonsense.

All I can say is don't knock it till ya try it!



how is any of it nonsense?


a valid point was raised. why use cow milk or human milk? you could easily just use soy, hemp, almond, rice, and/or oat milk instead.

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