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Craziest effect to mess around with


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EHX Micro Synth and Deluxe Memory Man


Digitech Synth Wah and EHX Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai


EHX Flanger Hoax with Stereo Memory Man w/ Hazarai









you suck. what are you doing, trying to make me miss this month's mortgage payment? i'm looking at like $600 worth of pedals i have GAS for now! bastard!

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you couldnt photograph any body from the left side in th 60-70-80's-90's...they used a mirror trick.


now thet use a digtal fx, and blue eye shadow to correct eye vector...glitch.


analog lenses that worked in conjuction with the curved TV lens of the 80's allowed certain angles to attain crystal clarity. see 80's sitcoms like growingpains, amazing clarity but only one face/object can be in focus at a time. we have to find new tricks to get the face right. because the mirror doesnt work with 1's and 0's.

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lets talk video compression..only 1 frame out of 100 shows new movement information. digitally, depending how fast the computer can correct vectors, is divided by the time required, from the veiwing the frames per second.


we want the tricks of the past and current digital video compression isnt as effective in some areas. we need faster algorythms and processors to get the framerate more "glide".

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