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OT: iphone received as a gift. should i keep it?

rydia is hot

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sorry about the ot post.


so my fiancee bought me a 16gig iphone 3g for my birthday. she's rad. she knows that i've been lusting after one since they came out.

the phone isn't in yet, so i've got some time to think about it.


we're at the end of our at&t contract, so we'll be resigning some sort of agreement anyways, so the 2-yr commitment doesn't bother me.


what concerns me is paying the extra $30/month for the iphone service. that's gonna put me at about 90/month for service. i will be living in an area with 3g coverage very soon, so things should be pretty good in terms of data and connection. but i also have a car payment, rent, insurance, and the upcoming wedding to consider as expenses.


she's said it's cool if i don't take the phone (as long as it's not out of guilt of her dropping that much money on my birthday gift, but i can't help but feel guilty.)


is the iphone worth the money? expand on this! thanks!

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if you use the internet religiously, need to have email available on the fly, need a gps, and like the features then why not. if you have the money, i would say its not a bad idea. i mean, it was a gift.


on the other hand, if thats gonna put you dangerously close to the red, you may wanna consider it.

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echodeluxe is wise - as it was a gift, it could be a great deal. Unless the data plan needed (you will need some sort of flat-rate deal on data transfers) will be too expensive for you.


Personally, I gave the iPhone a skip - I have an iPod Touch, and while I like the user interface, I couldn't get any writing speed on the touch screen "keyboard". I ended up with the Xperia instead, which is much harder to get to grips with, but has a qwerty keyboard. It serves both as my mobile workstation/calendar/internet cafe and modem for my laptop. Turbo 3G never reaches the promised 7.2mb/s, but it's fast enough :thu:



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Once you start using the internet and gps you'll realize it's worth it...

I have the google maps based gps on my blackberry and it's amazing if you do any sort of driving in cities that you aren't completely familiar with... and i'm using a crappier opera browser on my blackberry, I'd love the full featured safari on the iPhone.

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