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Effects, the great bandaid


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Hide your boo boos under a nice bandaid and no one will know

A bandaid isn't a substitute for healthy skills

someday you have to take the bandaid off and walk on your own

don't be ashamed of your scars and imperfections and wrap yourself up like a mummy all the time

Thats what Ive always told David Gilmour. Maybe someday he'll get rid of that ridiculous amount of effects and become a real guitarist. I mean, come on. What a joke he is. :rolleyes:

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do you really consider gilmour's delay use "excessive effects"?



If you couldnt tell I was being sarcastic.


He has used effects quite a bit throughout his career and definitely not just delay. And have you seen his live rig? My point was that it is not excessive. Its only a problem if you use it as creativity instead of using the effect creatively. Another perfect example is tom morello. That man could outshred anyone on this board, yet he often instead uses an effect in a perfect textural context that speaks something sonically. Its about context and how you use it, not just "using effects."

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Mars Volta or Fugazi?



Fugazi by a long shot.


But I don't think effects are Volta's problem. I think it is the sheer amounts of drugs they take, the lack of dynamics, timing, or really anything music related in their "music."



As for effects vs. no effects, I like to hear guitars, but I also like to hear what people can come up with using effects.

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When you play fuzzy feedback, instead of guitar?

EDIT: Is there a prerequisite number of effects that must be used, in order to cover "suck" ?


I don't know, how many effects do you use? Whatever that number is. :idea:


Yeah they do use fuzz and stuff on the noise parts, but most of the guitar parts are straight up guitar playing.

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I don't know, how many effects do you use? Whatever that number is.

Yeah they do use fuzz and stuff on the noise parts, but most of the guitar parts are straight up guitar playing.

Fair enough.

Fuzz is the number one band-aid, helping kids that don't know open chords for forty years.

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really? I think he's kind of weak on guitar...

I'm sure he can "outshred" me or some others here but yeah... bad example.



Its called having "taste." Just because you can shred doesnt mean you should. The 80's taught us that. I can do some mean shredding but youll rarely ever see me do it in my music. It has little place there.


Morello used to practice for 6 hours a day when he went to harvard. Ive seen him show a little of what he can do live and he's a machine. That being said, being able to shred has little to nothing to do with how creative or how good a songwriter you are. In fact, usually it turns out the opposite way.

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Hide your boo boos under a nice bandaid and no one will know

A bandaid isn't a substitute for healthy skills

someday you have to take the bandaid off and walk on your own

don't be ashamed of your scars and imperfections and wrap yourself up like a mummy all the time



I think this can be a general truth but there are a great deal of exceptions and with maturity in playing comes more mature use of effects. Bottom line - if you are a terrible player with poor technique, its going to show through everything but really heavy fuzz so effects are just going to exaggerate your flaws. However, use of a simple tone and something like tremolo or chorus might require you to play better than you might otherwise play or your playing wont sync with the LFO.

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Fugazi by a long shot.

But I don't think effects are Volta's problem. I think it is the sheer amounts of drugs they take, the lack of dynamics, timing, or really anything music related in their "music."

As for effects vs. no effects, I like to hear guitars, but I also like to hear what people can come up with using effects.



Well my point was that Omar runs thru his huge ass pedal board and makes interesting music, while Ian runs straight into the amp and also makes interesting music


So are effects really a bandaid or a band aid?

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The analogy doesn't work perfectly... but think of FX like spices -- your playing is the actual food, but FX add flavor and texture to the main ingredients.


I disagree with this. In cooking knowing how to season properly is the key component between a cook and a person that applies heat to edible objects. I think using effects would be using fancy knives, mandolines, saucier pans, and crepe pans. They are all awesome, but they are not necessary.

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