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i would think a better example would be the FDA - look what has happened with the "food" in china when businesses 'regulate' themselves. same thing happened here about 100 years ago, read the jungle by upton sinclair. it is unfortunate that government intervention is necessary to make sure an even playing field that benefits everyone is provided, but people seem to show time and again they will gladly take advantage of those around them for their own personal gain.

Hold on hold on. I'll get there. :thu:

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Would you agree that government is responsible for making the rules which citizens behave... For example making laws that restrict and prevent, pedophiles, rapists, bank robbers, murders?

catalinbread sensei,

it' s a great question.
i wish i could answer it.

but to me, it just raises more questions .
for instance,

who gets to decide what rules govern how citizens behave?

postition #1:

the people should decide.

'i read the Bagavag Gita and I believe this'

postition #2:

the government should decide.

'We are Federal Judges and we know better than the people'


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catalinbread sensei,


it' s a great question.

i wish i could answer it.

but to me, it just raises more questions .

for instance,

who gets to decide what rules govern how citizens behave?

postition #1:

the people should decide.

'i read the Bagavag Gita and I believe this'

postition #2:

the government should decide.

'We are Federal Judges and we know better than the people'


Aha! But I am no sensei just a curious learner. Ideally WE make the laws via our representatives. When they don't listen, we remember and we toss their asses out. Judges do not make laws. They simply decide if the laws are constitutional, ideally free of politics or other dogma. The push toward a unitary Executive has made for a really nasty destruction of such checks and balances... The system was designed to move very slowly and thought out. It just hasn't been.

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Aha! But I am no sensei just a curious learner. Ideally WE make the laws via our representatives. When they don't listen, we remember and we toss their asses out. Judges do not make laws. They simply decide if the laws are constitutional, ideally free of politics or other dogma. The push toward a unitary Executive has made for a really nasty destruction of such checks and balances... The system was designed to move very slowly and thought out. It just hasn't been.





i guess the key word is 'ideally'.



i have learned from your posts.


every sensei is also a student


the first waza one learns is also the last waza one never quite masters.



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i guess the key word is 'ideally'.


i have learned from your posts.

every sensei is also a student

the first waza one learns is also the last waza one never quite masters.


:thu: Here you go. This is one of my hero's and fellow Portlander radioshows:


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