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Newbie with a few questions...


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I'm looking to get a few things, but I'm unsure of where to start.. I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I'm no where near playing live, but I'm just thinking about what I would need and what not.


1. I want to be able to do some live looping and I've seen lots of videos on youtube with this. It seems like most people use the Boss RC-50 and also the Electrix Repeater. I want to do the looping with acoustic instruments from a mic, as well as a soft synth. How would I go about doing this? Also, is it only possible to do keep adding and adding loops? For example, let's say I have one recorded phrase of drums, another with bass, and guitar.. and they're all playing from the looping hardware. Can I mute one phrase, for awhile, then bring it in again without recording?


2. I've got reason 4 with the piano refill which I'm quite satisfied with. Though, going on stage with a laptop makes every thing seem not so reliable. Do a lot of people use soft synths on stage? Should I go the hardware route? I ask because most of the things I've read comparing hardware and software is about fat synth sounds and replicating analog.. but I generally am only going to be using strings, pianos, and other stage keyboards.. not much of a electronicy sound.


3. I really like Reason's Redrum and I was wondering if their was a similar hardware version with a step sequencer. Something I could load samples into (w/ a compact disc card or something) and a step sequencer grid lighting up? I'm not going to be using a huge drum library, so storage is not a huge concern.


I guess I'm really unsure of whether or not I want to do hardware or software live. If it's hardware, it's more of a thing where I could switch, and buying everything I need after a long period of time. Though, most of my instruments I'm using are acoustic instruments.. the only reason to bring my laptop on stage would be for, a drum machine, and keyboard (but not for electricy synthy sounds, just stuff to simulate acoustic instruments.. ie: piano, strings, rhodes..)


Thanks in advance.

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Hello, welcome.

If you are only going to use piano(s) sounds it makes no sense to use a computer / controller. For that it is easier to get an electric piano / commercial synth with piano -and other- sounds.

Get a synth / piano and an Electribe (from Korg).



Thanks for the welcome.

I changed that last sentences I wrote. I'm not sure if there's a name for that, but I need a keyboard for more of an acoustic instrument simulator, I don't need any synthy sounds. (synthy, is that the right word?)


Thanks again for the recommendation. The electribe was one I was wondering about, but wasn't exactly sure what it did.

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Thanks again for the recommendation. The electribe was one I was wondering about, but wasn't exactly sure what it did.



The Electribe series are groove modules. They have step-sequencers, which are similar to the sequencers on a workstation but focus on looping. For example, you could set up two 16-beat drum loops and switch between them. Depending on the model, the Electibes also do synth parts (very electronic / dance oriented) or sampling.

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